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Bug report / Hlášení chyb

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Access Violation when closing PSPad 0 Schlomi 2021-08-31 20:05 Schlomi
[CRASH] Access Violation 5 Locutus 2021-08-30 12:17 pspad
Using Multiple Displays 1 2, 3 28 kamuz 2021-08-30 11:03 FeliciaGardner
Crash, but can't fill in log 1 JohnAdriaan 2021-08-28 07:31 pspad
Crashes on the 7th or 8th file opened 0 Extranjero 2021-08-19 18:03 Extranjero
Block type: COLUMNT does not work 1 sykyman 2021-08-17 09:20 pspad
PSPad terminates: access violation 2 catwaezle 2021-08-05 10:57 therium
No mapping for unicode character exists...can't open file 1 Mog 2021-07-27 13:12 pspad
y-- syntax hilight error 1 McKundrator 2021-07-12 13:55 pspad
List index out of bounds (1453) - 64bit app creash 1 2021-07-09 19:54 pspad
Highlighter ignores some entries 5 fyurisich 2021-07-09 15:26 fyurisich
Clear History --> Access Violation 1 Extranjero 2021-07-08 10:32 pspad
CodeFolding 4 Lolo Irie 2021-07-05 13:28 Lolo Irie
Tab marker for Auto-refresh is missing 1 Peter.eisentraeger2 2021-07-02 19:37 pspad
Tab numbering 4 Peter.eisentraeger2 2021-07-02 10:55 Peter.eisentraeger2
Ztuhnutí při načítání syntaxe Perl souboru 2 pprovaz 2021-06-25 23:24 pprovaz
PSPAD v 5.0.7 (649) -> no Clipboard - functionality 7 SF 2021-06-09 11:59 pspad
Hromadné nahrazení nesignalizuje neuložené změny souboru 5.0.7 (649) 1 David Grudnik 2021-06-09 10:09 pspad
Ve status baru chybí údaje o velikosti vybraného textu 5.0.7 (647) 2 David Grudnik 2021-06-08 06:59 David Grudnik
Randomly changing folder names with strange characters 5 Extranjero 2021-06-04 11:13 pspad
Toolbar icon set choice not remembered in 5.0.7 (647) 2 klr98298 2021-06-03 05:08 pspad
Pspad breaks some of the open files when it crashes 0 SF 2021-05-28 09:47 SF
EAccessViolation 0 John Huijsing 2021-05-26 05:35 John Huijsing
Title of last File remains after closing Tab 5 runic 2021-05-23 14:27 pspad
Some "find" errors 1 FlaJunkie 2021-05-22 14:25 pspad
CTRL + S does not move to the folder with the file 8 Piotr 2021-05-15 17:18 Piotr
Accented letters with word delimiter in regex 1 artico 2021-05-14 03:14 pspad
Search In Files Results log window some lines aren't fully clickable 5 gwinkless 2021-05-11 16:05 gwinkless
Two bugs in 5.0.6(589) 3 akiuni 2021-05-10 08:30 pspad
PSPAD.INI is still not read and evaluated ! 5 SF 2021-05-06 12:25 pspad

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