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Find/List - Add line numbers

#1 Find/List - Add line numbers

Posted by: joke-air | Date: 2021-09-17 06:14 | IP: IP Logged

When I use "Find" with some pattern like "iperf", then click on "List" button, even if the checkbox "Add line number is unchecked, In the result, I have line numbers in front, checked or unchecked:
2: 2021-05-26: iperf-3.10 released
3: 2020-08-17: iperf-3.9 released
4: 2020-06-10: iperf-3.8.1 released
5: 2020-06-08: iperf-3.8 released
6: 2019-06-21: iperf-3.7 released
7: 2018-06-25: iperf-3.6 released
8: 2018-03-02: iperf-3.5 released
9: 2018-02-14: iperf-3.4 released
10: 2017-10-31: iperf-3.3 released
11: 2017-06-26: iperf-3.2 released
12: 2017-06-06: iperf3 update, June 2017
13: 2017-04-27: iperf3 update, April 2017
14: 2017-03-06: iperf-3.1.7 released
15: 2017-02-02: iperf-3.1.6 released
16: 2017-01-12: iperf-3.1.5 released
17: 2016-10-31: iperf-3.1.4 released
18: 2016-06-08: Security Issue: iperf-3.1.3, iperf-3.0.12 released
19: 2016-02-01: iperf-3.1.2 released

Could you ensure that when uncheck, line begin with real content, without:
\d+: xyxyxyxyx

Very nice tool and work
Thank you

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#2 Re: Find/List - Add line numbers

Posted by: pspad | Date: 2021-09-17 06:23 | IP: IP Logged


Checkboxes Add line numbers and copy non matching are related to COPY button which copy results to new tab.
List makes result in log and there is necessary to have line numbers - click in log brings you to the file position.

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