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Many crashes and corrupt files since 5.0.6 (character "ÿ" in files)

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#1 Many crashes and corrupt files since 5.0.6 (character "ÿ" in files)

Posted by: rseibel | Date: 2021-12-06 10:32 | IP: IP Logged

I have many problems since 5.0.6 up to newest beta 5.0.7 (717).

Especially when editing multiple files or when doing Search and Replace in files, often files get corrupted.

My Compiler then says "Invalid Hex(0) in file ..."

When opening the files again there is often a pattern like "ÿ EN" in the spcified lines.

Remarkable is the fact, that this erroneuous pattern is _always_ at a place, where in my case a "END", "ELSE", "ELSIF" was _before_.

I disabled "code folding", because i thought about a connection to this feature, but error doesnt goes away.

So this should not be a random place or memory (ram) error. Tested this on
different machines.

(PSpad.ini is ok, i checked for invalid characters there)


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2021-12-06 10:33 by rseibel.

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#2 Re: Many crashes and corrupt files since 5.0.6 (character "ÿ" in files)

Posted by: rseibel | Date: 2021-12-10 16:32 | IP: IP Logged

Short additional information:

I have for example 4 files open (a,b,c,d), i am editing in _only_ one file (a).
For security i mostly save all files periodically, not only the one im editing.

Then i run my compiler externally, compiler says: invalid chars in file (b,c or d)

When i then switch per tab in this file, i have the special chars (mostly ÿ EN) somewhere inside, without having reloaded the files.

This happens in the background without editing this file, with saving all files this error is written to disk.

It seems not to happen while writing the file to disk, maybe while internal actions like garbage collection or so.

Hope this helps in some way, the problem on my side is getting worse.
No difference between 32/64 Bit or Windows 10/11.

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 2021-12-10 16:33 by rseibel.

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#3 Re: Many crashes and corrupt files since 5.0.6 (character "ÿ" in files)

Posted by: pspad | Date: 2021-12-11 05:44 | IP: IP Logged

This problem was mostly fixed in 5.0.7 builds - available in the developer forum

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#4 Re: Many crashes and corrupt files since 5.0.6 (character "ÿ" in files)

Posted by: rseibel | Date: 2021-12-14 13:50 | IP: IP Logged

Please see my description: Persists up to 5.0.7 (717), 32 and 64 Bit.

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#5 Re: Many crashes and corrupt files since 5.0.6 (character "ÿ" in files)

Posted by: tmtisfree | Date: 2021-12-18 11:27 | IP: IP Logged

I have this corruption once again yesterday, but the insertion of funny (sometimes ÿ, sometimes Chinese) characters dates back to PSPad version 4:

I have spent weeks tracking this problem since then but to no avail. The only clear pattern is the more and bigger files are opened, the more likely one will be corrupted at some point. It seems to be a old in-memory management problem.

So the motto is "Test early, save often"!smiling smiley

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 2021-12-18 11:33 by tmtisfree.

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#6 Re: Many crashes and corrupt files since 5.0.6 (character "ÿ" in files)

Posted by: rseibel | Date: 2022-02-07 08:56 | IP: IP Logged

My above mentioned error gets worse amd worse.

I have at least one corruption per hour. As i said, open files are corrupted while editing in another tab. When switching tabs, i find theese special characters mosty at special positions (at an 'if', 'else', 'end' an so on).

This can't be a random memory error, it must be a logical error.

Often PSpad closes without any error messages, often text selection with the mouse does not work anymore.

I am using the lates betas, 32b in diffenerent machines, on hardware ore virtual, Windows 10 and 11.

In the moment i am investigating to move back to notepad++.

I have been using PSpad for many years now, but in the moment its not usable anymore, i am programming all the day long.

I donated in the past, an i am willing to do this again, if this is fixed, but not in the moment.


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#7 Re: Many crashes and corrupt files since 5.0.6 (character "ÿ" in files)

Posted by: pspad | Date: 2022-02-07 08:58 | IP: IP Logged

Do you use 5.0.7 (727) 32b version?

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#8 Re: Many crashes and corrupt files since 5.0.6 (character "ÿ" in files)

Posted by: rseibel | Date: 2022-02-07 09:24 | IP: IP Logged

As i said: I am using the lates betas, 32b ...
Thats in the moment version 5.0.7 (727) ...

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#9 Re: Many crashes and corrupt files since 5.0.6 (character "ÿ" in files)

Posted by: rseibel | Date: 2022-02-07 09:26 | IP: IP Logged

The 64-bit version was always more unstable,
so i stopped using 64-bit many months ago.

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#10 Re: Many crashes and corrupt files since 5.0.6 (character "ÿ" in files)

Posted by: LouCypher | Date: 2022-02-08 16:53 | IP: IP Logged

Well, firstly I want to agree with the assessment of the bug reporter without blaming anybody. A bug inside a source code editor like PSPad which randomly destroys loaded files is a catastrophic bug from my point of view. So I reported it myself some time ago. Because I think that the hunt for this problem should be the most important issue for upcoming PSPad releases I would like to add a conclusion regarding this problem based on my own insights and digging through the bug reports:
1.) It is independant of 32 or 64 bit PSPad builds.
2.) It seems to be independant of loaded file types. It has been reported at least for C/C++, Basic and Jason code.
3.) It happens even without editing anything within a loaded file.
4.) It seems to occur always at the end of some code blocks (like closing curly brackets in C/C++ or Endifs in basic)
5.) The first corresponding bug report was for PSPad version 4 as far as I can judge.
6.) It seems to happen only within large and fairly complex files, possibly in combination with a significant number of additionally opened files.
7.) The similarity of all corresponding bug reports is that the start of the inserted unwanted characters starts always with a "ÿ" followed by some binary bytes. Digging through the PSPad settings I find one setting which is related to UTF-8 coding which mentions "ÿ".
@Jan: As I said: I don't want to blame anybody and you're providing a fantastic freeware editor which has unfortunately currently a catastrophic bug with the danger of making it unusable for serious software development. I know that such unreproducable and randomly bugs are hard to trace. So I wan't nothing else than to be hopefully of some help to find this serious problem.

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