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Many crashes and corrupt files since 5.0.6 (character "ÿ" in files)

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#91 Re: Many crashes and corrupt files since 5.0.6 (character "ÿ" in files)

Posted by: macekt | Date: 2024-01-16 16:43 | IP: IP Logged

version 5.5.1 (812) - the error still remains. It just appears in new places in my case. The last case was when the text was overwritten right on the first line - begin of php file: <?php

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#92 Re: Many crashes and corrupt files since 5.0.6 (character "ÿ" in files)

Posted by: ieee | Date: 2024-01-16 17:49 | IP: IP Logged

I think may be related to the fact that copy/paste from other programs or directly in PSPad may not be always working on "Extended Grapheme Clusters" as it should be done. Sometimes they get broken.

This is must to read for people who works in UTF8

And even my PSPad or MS Notepad file in UNIX format and ANSI (1250) formating (Not UTF8) tries to interpret UTF8 characters (as I wrote in other ticket just minutes ago). Something is not good maybe even in the Windows directly.

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#93 Re: Many crashes and corrupt files since 5.0.6 (character "ÿ" in files)

Posted by: macekt | Date: 2024-02-07 18:25 | IP: IP Logged

After more occurrences of strange characters, I can summarize for myself:
- it occurs completely randomly (it is enough to edit one character in the file and damage will occur)
- it's not related to the clipboard (I won't use it in the file and it will get corrupted anyway)
- in my case it only happens in PHP and CSS files (but rather exceptionally there)
- e.g. TXT, SQL or JS files (but I open JS less) have never been damaged
- in both PHP and CSS, strange characters almost always appear at the beginning/end of the block (where there is a bracket } or {) and maybe only once they appeared at the very beginning of the file.

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#94 Re: Many crashes and corrupt files since 5.0.6 (character "ÿ" in files)

Posted by: LouCypher | Date: 2024-02-10 08:53 | IP: IP Logged

Yes, that's also my experience: The problem is not related to editing in any way. If the problem occurs it appears right after openening a file without doing anything else. And it doesn't seem to be related to specific file types. I've seen it with C/C++, Java, Perl and Python. But it seems to appear in my case always at the end of code blocks.

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#95 Re: Many crashes and corrupt files since 5.0.6 (character "ÿ" in files)

Posted by: LukasKriz | Date: 2024-05-02 12:55 | IP: IP Logged

Tento problém mám už strašně dlouho, snad už od verze 3.. Nikdy se mi nepodařilo identifikovat co to přesně dělá, ale mám podezření na nahrazování s regulárními výrazy u větších zdrojových kódů, tak aspoň 1000 řádků. Prostě to někde náhodně přepíše mezery a nějaké slovo na takovýto nebo podobný paznak.

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