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Many crashes and corrupt files since 5.0.6 (character "ÿ" in files)

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#81 Re: Many crashes and corrupt files since 5.0.6 (character "ÿ" in files)

Posted by: pspad | Date: 2023-11-27 10:37 | IP: IP Logged

Tak ještě můžeme zkusit příští build z nové verze Delphi.
už se mi podařilo zkompilovat i 64b verzi, takže dodělám nějaké drobnosti a zveřejním.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2023-11-27 10:38 by pspad.

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#82 Re: Many crashes and corrupt files since 5.0.6 (character "ÿ" in files)

Posted by: szs | Date: 2023-11-30 11:50 | IP: IP Logged

Dobrý den,
doplňuje své nedávné hlášení o čerství screenshot. Tentokrát tam není jen to ÿ a ukončení závorek je o řádek výš.

Opět platí, že v tomto řádku, ani poblíž jsem nic neměnil. Žádný tabulátor tam také není (jen pár mezer a "else").

Přijde mi, že to nějak může skutečně souviset s obsahem schránky. Možná se to děje při použití ctrl+V v jiné části souboru.

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#83 Re: Many crashes and corrupt files since 5.0.6 (character "ÿ" in files)

Posted by: macekt | Date: 2023-12-01 07:41 | IP: IP Logged

Ja bych s tou schrankou uplne nesouhlasil - jeden z tech mych minulych reportu vznikl v souboru kde jsem urcite schranku nepouzil - otevrel jsem soubor, prepsal par znaku a dal ulozit - a hned jsem mel ÿ. Obcas si myslim ze tam to ÿ vlitne hned po otevreni souboru

Uvidime az Honza vyda novou verzi

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#84 Re: Many crashes and corrupt files since 5.0.6 (character "ÿ" in files)

Posted by: khagaroth | Date: 2023-12-05 19:06 | IP: IP Logged

I don't have much hope for a fix, after all, this bug is there since cca 2016/2017.

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#85 Re: Many crashes and corrupt files since 5.0.6 (character "ÿ" in files)

Posted by: LouCypher | Date: 2023-12-06 18:04 | IP: IP Logged

Well, this was what I would do when the bug cannot be reliably reproduced and debugged: Dig through the forum, find out when the bug was reported the very first time and investigate the version control system or if this doesn't exist hopefully existing backups what was changed compared to the versions before. The reported timeframe 2016/2017 already reduces the efforts for digging through the posts.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2023-12-06 18:10 by LouCypher.

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#86 Re: Many crashes and corrupt files since 5.0.6 (character "ÿ" in files)

Posted by: macekt | Date: 2023-12-08 08:30 | IP: IP Logged

Zkusil jsem predevcirem na domacim PC nasadit 5.5.1 (812) a za dva dny bez vyskytu problemovych znaku. Ted jsem aktualizoval i na pracovnim pc kde je pouzivani PSPadu intenzivnejsi, tak uvidime jestli chybu zreplikuji (pozapinal jsem zpet vsechny veci kter jsme predtim pri hledani vypinali)

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#87 Re: Many crashes and corrupt files since 5.0.6 (character "ÿ" in files)

Posted by: szs | Date: 2023-12-11 13:15 | IP: IP Logged

Bohužel, včera jsem také aktualizoval na 5.5.1 (812) a dnes tam mám tu chybu znovu. Tentokrát v řádku, kde je jen pár mezer a začátek závorky "{".


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#88 The fear of failure

Posted by: sysmaya | Date: 2023-12-20 20:22 | IP: IP Logged

I've been a loyal PSPad user, but the evil "ÿ" bug has caused me to stray a bit.
But it is difficult, and almost impossible, to find a better PHP editor than PSPad.
But today it is really very difficult to work with this editor. And the fear of failure is more stressful than the failure itself.

But realizing that the file has been corrupted and then searching through 2000 lines of code... Sweet !!

To do. UPDATE: So today I just downloaded version 5.0.0, which I believe is the last stable one.

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#89 Re: Many crashes and corrupt files since 5.0.6 (character "ÿ" in files)

Posted by: macekt | Date: 2023-12-21 09:06 | IP: IP Logged

Unfortunately, I have to report that the error is also in the latest version of PSPad (32 bit). I've only noticed it a few times since the update, but its occurrence is really very random - sometimes it happens twice a day, other times it's quiet for a week.
I'm happy to help with further testing and searching.

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#90 Re: Many crashes and corrupt files since 5.0.6 (character "ÿ" in files)

Posted by: kriv | Date: 2024-01-04 09:57 | IP: IP Logged

Hello, version 5.5.1(790), error with ÿ character still occurs. Hope my post can help with fixing it.

I opened the file, changed a line and saved, and at this procedure a line
was changed to
ÿ el..

Thank you smiling smiley

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