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Posted by: pspad | Date: 2016-03-25 18:44 | IP: IP Logged
It's possible there is problem with some keys. Windows control is used for shortcut editing.
You can edit KeyMap file directly.
Go to program settings / Keymap and press Directedit button
Ennter your shortcut manually and save.
Posted by: Wirek | Date: 2016-03-26 13:32 | IP: IP Logged
Thank you for your info.
Could you, please, be more specific and explain why on earth should I edit Key Map settings file directly in my file system or by "Direct edit" button in the editor settings window? What string value should I put there to make the shortcut key (Ctrl+/) work properly?
As I already wrote:
Quote:- but string "Ctrl+/" exists in only one file in folder "c:\Documents and Settings\...\Application Data\PSpad\" and that is in the file "KeyMap.INI" in only one place for entry "aComment=Ctrl+/" what else should I put there?
Does it work for you? Am I the only one with this shortcut key combination problem out there? I don't understand what you expect me to do about it, really. Help me with helping you.
I don't understand why there is a problem with the slash (/) character. I would rather expect problems with the backslash (\) character since it often has a special meaning in various programming languages or in functions/procedures responsible for character string processing. Interestingly a shortcut key Ctrl+\ works without any problems (before and/or after restarting the editor) except that it is contrary to the logic of menu option "Format" / "Add/Remove Comment" (prepending lines with "// " strings).
Here is some testing I have performed for your convenience:
- Ctrl+/ (works only after "Apply" button in settings and doesn't work after restarting the editor);
- Shift+Ctrl+A, Ctrl+Q etc. (do work with no problems but are too long and/or awkward in use);
- Ctrl+\/, Ctrl+//, Ctrl+\\ and even illogical Ctrl+/\ (manually edited "KeyMap.INI" in file system, don't work at all);
- Ctrl+\ (does work with no problems but is awkward in use).
I hope it helps in any way. I'm not sure what you mean by "Windows control" in shortcut editing but buggy IDE components can be fixed. The (Windows or IDE) control/component used for shortcut editing seams to work fine since the problematic shortcut (Ctrl+/) works just fine after hitting the "Apply" button. It stops working after restarting the editor so I think there's a problem in initialisation of shortcuts read out from the "KeyMap.INI" file by some key mapping mechanism. Try it for yourself, please.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2016-03-26 13:42 by Wirek.
Posted by: pspad | Date: 2016-03-26 14:06 | IP: IP Logged
You need to have Program settings / System integration - Multiuser environment checked
In this case PSpad will store settings in your profile as you mentioned (place where your KeyMap is).
If you uncheck it, PSPad won't store any configuration, cause it has no rights to write into program files.
Open Program settings / Keymap
Press direct edit button, click on the Format in the left list (it corespond to main menu item)
Look for aComment=something
Change it to aComment=Ctrl+/
I hope "/" key is basic key on keyboard layout you are using. This is general shortcut to add/remove line comments.
If you are using comment from Code clips, there is necessary to modify clip, add *Ctrl+/ after clip header. More info in help file for code clips format.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2016-03-26 14:08 by pspad.
Posted by: Wirek | Date: 2016-03-26 14:42 | IP: IP Logged
Why don't you read my posts?!? It's all there! Why do I have to constantly repeat myself? Read my posts again from the beginning, please! What is your problem?
Posted by: Wirek | Date: 2016-03-26 16:59 | IP: IP Logged
You wrote:
pspad:You need to have Program settings / System integration - Multiuser environment checked
In this case PSpad will store settings in your profile as you mentioned (place where your KeyMap is).
If you uncheck it, PSPad won't store any configuration, cause it has no rights to write into program files.
But I have previously written:
Wirek:Yes, I am sure it is not installed as a portable version. As I already wrote:
- the configuration file "c:\Documents and Settings\...\Application Data\PSpad\KeyMap.INI" is correctly updated each time I change a shortcut key (e.g. Shift+Ctrl+A, Ctrl+/ and Ctrl+Q just checked few minutes ago) for menu option "Format" / "Add/Remove Comment";
What I haven't written earlier is that I am using "MS Windows XP Pro" as an administrator but as far as I rememeber it (Ctrl+/) didn't work on "MS Windows 7 HP" either. The editor is system integrated for "Multi User Environment" in both cases.
- Shift+Ctrl+A, Ctrl+Q etc. (do work with no problems but are too long and/or awkward in use);
- Ctrl+\ (does work with no problems but is awkward in use).
See more info in the picture below!
You wrote:
pspad:Open Program settings / Keymap
Press direct edit button, click on the Format in the left list (it corespond to main menu item)
Look for aComment=something
Change it to aComment=Ctrl+/
But I have previously written:
Wirek:- but string "Ctrl+/" exists in only one file in folder "c:\Documents and Settings\...\Application Data\PSpad\" and that is in the file "KeyMap.INI" in only one place for entry "aComment=Ctrl+/".
- the configuration file "c:\Documents and Settings\...\Application Data\PSpad\KeyMap.INI" is correctly updated each time I change a shortcut key (e.g. Shift+Ctrl+A, Ctrl+/ and Ctrl+Q just checked few minutes ago) for menu option "Format" / "Add/Remove Comment";
- shortcut key Ctrl+/ doesn't work after restarting the editor but other shortcut key combinations (Shift+Ctrl+A, Ctrl+Q etc.) work after restarting the editor without any problems;
Here is some testing I have performed for your convenience:
- Ctrl+/ (works only after "Apply" button in settings and doesn't work after restarting the editor);
See more info in the picture below!
You wrote:
pspad:I hope "/" key is basic key on keyboard layout you are using. This is general shortcut to add/remove line comments.If you are using comment from Code clips, there is necessary to modify clip, add *Ctrl+/ after clip header. More info in help file for code clips format.
I'm using a standard keyboard with a standard keyboard layout. Slash (/) key on my keyboard produces a standard "/" ($002F, 0x2F in ASCII) character on screen in every editor.
There are no conflicts - neither in "Code clips" nor in "Scripts extensions". I'm not using any of the two for code commenting. My posts in this thread are about menu option "Format" / "Add/Remove Comment"!
And I have previously written:
Wirek:My own, changed shortcut key (Ctrl+/) doesn't work for menu option "Format" / "Add/Remove Comment" and there is no key mapping conflicts in the editor as far as I know.
There is no key mapping conflicts in the editor as far as I know:
- string "Ctrl+/" doesn't exist in any file in folder "c:\Program Files\...\PSPad editor\";
- but string "Ctrl+/" exists in only one file in folder "c:\Documents and Settings\...\Application Data\PSpad\" and that is in the file "KeyMap.INI" in only one place for entry "aComment=Ctrl+/".
See more info in the picture below!
If you don't read/understand my previous posts, here is a picture for you:
I didn't get any answer from you to my questions:
Wirek:Have you even tried to reproduce the problem with this particular shortcut key combination (Ctrl+/) and did it work for you?
Does it work for you? Am I the only one with this shortcut key combination problem out there?
Try it for yourself, please.
Posted by: pspad | Date: 2016-03-31 05:39 | IP: IP Logged
You wrote PSpad wasn't installed as portale. OK. It means Program settings / Multiuser environment is checked and you run PSPad as standard user, not as admin.
In this case PSPad settings is stored in %Appdata%\PSPad\pspad.ini file. You can see the path in the program settings / Backup (label with path is clickable)
When you look into keymap.ini in the same folder, do you see the Ctrl+/ shortcut after you assigned shortcut using PSPad interface?
1. Add/remove comment works for languages supporting line comment. It means it won't work for e.g. HTML where is nothing like line comment. So what highlighter do you use?
2. Shortcut Ctrl+/ can be overwriten by some script shortcut or code clip shortcut, so please check if in the script menu isn't script with Ctrl+/ shortcut assigned same in the menu settings / Clip hotkeys
Posted by: Wirek | Date: 2016-03-31 09:50 | IP: IP Logged
First of all I would like to thank you for your reply - I know you are a busy man... as we all are. I also understand there are more critical (higher priority) problems than this one. I just want you to reproduce it for yourself, confirm it and add it to your list of things to do just to make the PSPad editor a bit better. I wish you good luck with that work!
Anyway it looks to me like there are several persons hiding behind the "pspad" nickname in this forum or maybe you are just one person but with too many threads to follow and too many problems overloading your head, because I have to constantly repeat myself about things I have already written before and yet you still ask about them again and again. It may be very frustrating for both of us - I am sure it is for me.
pspad:You wrote PSpad wasn't installed as portale. OK. It means Program settings / Multiuser environment is checked and you run PSPad as standard user, not as admin.
In this case PSPad settings is stored in %Appdata%\PSPad\pspad.ini file. You can see the path in the program settings / Backup (label with path is clickable)
When you look into keymap.ini in the same folder, do you see the Ctrl+/ shortcut after you assigned shortcut using PSPad interface?
Yes, I can see Ctrl+/ shortcut in the "KeyMap.INI" pointed by the clickable path in the menu item "Settings"\"Program Settings..." on the tab "Backup" just above 2 buttons "Backup configuration" and "Restore configuration".
For more details see my previous post (including the image) since my reply to your question is already there!
pspad:1. Add/remove comment works for languages supporting line comment. It means it won't work for e.g. HTML where is nothing like line comment. So what highlighter do you use?
Yes, I know that perfectly. I am using "XHTML multihighlighter" for PHP and HTML files, "JavaScript" highlighter for JS files, and "Cascading Style Sheet" highlighter for CSS files. Sometimes I switch "XHTML multihighlighter" to "PHP" highlighter for PHP files because of other PSPad editor issues I have also reported in other threads (not related to this particular shortcut key combination problem). I know and understand that HTML syntax doesn't allow "line comment" and therefore neither the shortcut key nor the menu option "Format"\"Add/Remove Comment" will not work for HTML files but it certainly should work in PHP (in both highlighters mentioned) as well as in JS files. The "New1.htm" visible in the picture in my previous post is just a new file loaded automatically by the editor when it is newly opened - you can see it wasn't modified at all (no red mark in the top-left corner of the tab). Unfortunately, I cannot share with you my project with PHP and JS files and that is why I have closed it completely and just restarted the editor without any further changes. Any other shortcut key combinations (not including the slash character!) work perfectly in PHP and JS files as I have already written many times before in this thread.
For more details see my previous post in the parallel thread ( since my reply to your question is already there!
pspad:2. Shortcut Ctrl+/ can be overwriten by some script shortcut or code clip shortcut, so please check if in the script menu isn't script with Ctrl+/ shortcut assigned same in the menu settings / Clip hotkeys
I am sure there is no conflict for this (Ctrl+/) shortcut key combination - I have checked it many times on many ways already.
For more details see my previous post since my reply to your question is already there!
You haven't still answered to my questions and I'm still waiting.
Wirek:I didn't get any answer from you to my questions:Wirek:Have you even tried to reproduce the problem with this particular shortcut key combination (Ctrl+/) and did it work for you?
Does it work for you? Am I the only one with this shortcut key combination problem out there?
Try it for yourself, please.
Posted by: gwinkless | Date: 2016-04-02 08:21 | IP: IP Logged
Wirek:First of all I would like to thank you for your reply - I know you are a busy man... as we all are. I also understand there are more critical (higher priority) problems than this one. I just want you to reproduce it for yourself, confirm it and add it to your list of things to do just to make the PSPad editor a bit better. I wish you good luck with that work!Anyway it looks to me like there are several persons hiding behind the "pspad" nickname in this forum or maybe you are just one person but with too many threads to follow and too many problems overloading your head, because I have to constantly repeat myself about things I have already written before and yet you still ask about them again and again. It may be very frustrating for both of us - I am sure it is for me.
Perhaps if you kept the problem in one thread (rather than hijacking the new-release thread) and answered Jan's explicit questions rather than having a strop in bold and red ink you might not have to repeat yourself.
Your posts come across as rude and aggressive. I would give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that this was a language problem except a) your English seems fluent and b) I doubt if red and bold is polite in any language.
Investigate more for yourself. This is free software, Jan doesn't have time to be trying to reproduce problems that he doesn't see, especially if they only affect one user, so try things like creating a new windows login and running from there, and/or installing in a clean PC (eg with VirtualBox or similar) and seeing if it still happens. If it doesn't happen on either a different user or a new install it must be something in your environment, in which case, check whether you have other programs that might be grabbing the hotkey. Uninstall apps until it starts working. Or just put up with a different shortcut key.
Posted by: pspad | Date: 2016-04-02 12:38 | IP: IP Logged
pspad name in the forum belongs to PSPad author only. I am sorry, but I am only one developer, support, e. t. c. If you really want to help me and speed up development and bug investigation, provide step by step to reproduce bug. I'm sorry if my answers are delayed or not exact. I am not native English speaker. And PSPad isn't the thing what can feed me and my family
Posted by: Wirek | Date: 2016-04-05 13:59 | IP: IP Logged
This is free software, Jan doesn't have time to be trying to reproduce problems that he doesn't see, especially if they only affect one user, so try things like creating a new windows login and running from there, and/or installing in a clean PC
Thank you for your words of wisdom. FYI:
What I haven't written earlier is that I am using "MS Windows XP Pro" as an administrator but as far as I rememeber it (Ctrl+/) didn't work on "MS Windows 7 HP" either. The editor is system integrated for "Multi User Environment" in both cases.
Have you at least tried this particular shortcut (Ctrl+/) assignment to the "Format"\"Add/Remove Comment" menu option and to use it after restarting the editor? Did it work for you?
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