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PSPad unicode 5.0.0 (163) English

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#11 Re: PSPad unicode 5.0.0 (163) English

Posted by: human | Date: 2017-03-30 11:21 | IP: IP Logged

This functionality already exists. You can write URL into language specific file with %word% as current word replacement. See the PSPad help

Then this may be a GUI / documentation issue

I've looked in the help:

* index->online does not exist
* index->internet is about a different topic
* index->language is about a different topic
* index->help does not exist
* search->seems to find nothing at all
* content->Program Settings (found the ones above about different topics)
* content->Highlighter Settings only different topics

Used the GUI:

* menu settings->highlighters: only found the chm/hlp option

under settings menu

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#12 Re: PSPad unicode 5.0.0 (163) English

Posted by: human | Date: 2017-03-30 11:24 | IP: IP Logged

Retested a very old issue that was reported before - it still happens in 5.0.0

Retested with r2503 [...}: the end of strings isn't correctly recognized on first file load (gets corrected if you edit somewhere in the line).

For testing purposes click on "quote" and copy the following source to PSPad, use COBOL free format - both strings are correctly recognized. Now save the file and close + reopen PSPad. You'll have the file auto-loaded but the first string ending is not recognized.



Thank you for your work!


You might consider to check this.

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#13 Re: PSPad unicode 5.0.0 (163) English

Posted by: human | Date: 2017-03-30 11:36 | IP: IP Logged

I may have reported this minor glitch before in the COBOL language settings (additional to the *.cpy extension): The "correct" names for the buttons would be "free-form" and "fixed-form", maybe add a tooltip "set areas to defaults for free-form/fixed-form reference-format". The is no "free" or "strict" mode (compilers may have a strict or relaxed syntax check but this is a completely different topic).

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#14 Re: PSPad unicode 5.0.0 (163) English

Posted by: human | Date: 2017-03-30 11:43 | IP: IP Logged

This functionality already exists. You can write URL into language specific file with %word% as current word replacement. See the PSPad help

Jan, do you meant to:

* add an external program
* name it "language specific detail help"
* choose path to your browser in "program"
* manually add the url as parameter (refer to your browsers command line help) and include %word% in there

If yes: I didn't found this in the program's help and would opt for a common URL entry (with %word% as replacement parameter) below the "language specific hlp/chm file. I guess we can collect some websites we can integrate as a default on fresh/full installations.


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#15 Re: PSPad unicode 5.0.0 (163) English

Posted by: pspad | Date: 2017-03-30 11:44 | IP: IP Logged

This functionality already exists. You can write URL into language specific file with %word% as current word replacement. See the PSPad help

Then this may be a GUI / documentation issue

I've looked in the help:

* index->online does not exist
* index->internet is about a different topic
* index->language is about a different topic
* index->help does not exist
* search->seems to find nothing at all
* content->Program Settings (found the ones above about different topics)
* content->Highlighter Settings only different topics

Used the GUI:

* menu settings->highlighters: only found the chm/hlp option

under settings menu

Menu description / Settings menu / Highlighter settings / Specification
Or press F1 in the highlighter settings / Specification tab


Help File

Enter path to help file, local or web address. Allows the variable %word% as part of the path, where %word% shall be replaces with the current word. Once path is set, you may press Alt+F1 to display associated help for actual word (e.g. if you edit HTML code and cursor is on the "body" word, after Alt+F1 help for HTML syntax is opened and you will see context for "body" keyword). In Multi-Highlighter, the called help depends on the part of code you are in.

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#16 Re: PSPad unicode 5.0.0 (163) English

Posted by: pspad | Date: 2017-03-30 11:56 | IP: IP Logged

Retested a very old issue that was reported before - it still happens in 5.0.0

Retested with r2503 [...}: the end of strings isn't correctly recognized on first file load (gets corrected if you edit somewhere in the line).

For testing purposes click on "quote" and copy the following source to PSPad, use COBOL free format - both strings are correctly recognized. Now save the file and close + reopen PSPad. You'll have the file auto-loaded but the first string ending is not recognized.



Thank you for your work!


You might consider to check this.

I think PSPad behave correctly.
As default end of the area is set to position 71. But your string ends on the 100 position. If you want to use longer lines, go to highlighter settings and increase end of code to e.g. 110 on the specification tab.

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#17 Re: PSPad unicode 5.0.0 (163) English

Posted by: pspad | Date: 2017-03-30 12:04 | IP: IP Logged

This functionality already exists. You can write URL into language specific file with %word% as current word replacement. See the PSPad help

Jan, do you meant to:

* add an external program
* name it "language specific detail help"
* choose path to your browser in "program"
* manually add the url as parameter (refer to your browsers command line help) and include %word% in there

If yes: I didn't found this in the program's help and would opt for a common URL entry (with %word% as replacement parameter) below the "language specific hlp/chm file. I guess we can collect some websites we can integrate as a default on fresh/full installations.


No I mean you will put URL address into help field
I tested it and it opens web page. Problem is that %word% wasn't replaced with current word - it'a a bug what needs to be fixed.

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#18 Re: PSPad unicode 5.0.0 (163) English

Posted by: pspad | Date: 2017-03-30 12:37 | IP: IP Logged

External help as URL address

There was a broken functionality - %word% wasn't send to browser.
I fixed it and add %lword% and %uword% (lower case and upper case form). Especially for Cobol where keywords are UPPERCASE you need to send it in lowercase form.

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#19 Re: PSPad unicode 5.0.0 (163) English

Posted by: human | Date: 2017-03-30 12:48 | IP: IP Logged

No I mean you will put URL address into help field
I tested it and it opens web page. Problem is that %word% wasn't replaced with current word - it'a a bug what needs to be fixed.

Sounds good. Can you please add a tooltip "URL or PATH to HTML/htm/chm, use %word% for replacement under cursor" to the iput field and reword the help entry? I've looked three times and my mind always skipped the "local or web-address" part because the sentence starts with "Enter Path to help file" (an URL is neither a part nor a help file). It is likely a good idea to add two samples (one path and one URL).

The German translation made it even worse in this case, the English title is "Help File" (confusing as noted above) the German title in 163 would be translated to "Language specific help file (*.chm for ALT+F1)", not an input field you'd enter an URL in.

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#20 Re: PSPad unicode 5.0.0 (163) English

Posted by: human | Date: 2017-03-30 12:50 | IP: IP Logged

@Jan: What do you think of providing reasonable defaults for the "language specific help (URL or local file path)" where we find one?

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