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PSPad unicode 4.5.3 (2255) English

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#31 Re: PSPad unicode 4.5.3 (2255) English

Posted by: Ozone | Date: 2007-02-07 19:14 | IP: IP Logged

Did it with C/C++ normal file:
This is definatly because of "Real Tabs".
The problem doesn't occurs with spaces.

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#32 Re: PSPad unicode 4.5.3 (2255) English

Posted by: Sotho Tal Ker | Date: 2007-02-12 10:34 | IP: IP Logged

I got a nice exception for you here. smiling smiley

Exception description:
I don't know exactly how it happened, but i was marking some text in a rather big
textfile (about 20 lines have been marked). Then I pressed Ctrl+C to copy the highlighted
text to the clipboard and this error showed up.

Cannot open clipboard.

Exception class: Exception
Exception address: 00443B94
Stack list, generated 12.02.2007 11:25:17
[00443B8F] Clipbrd.TClipboard.Open + $4B
[004E197A] SynEdit.TCustomSynEdit.DoCopyToClipboard (Line 1281, "SynEdit.pas" + 10) + $7
[004E1AD7] SynEdit.TCustomSynEdit.CopyToClipboard (Line 1324, "SynEdit.pas" + 7) + $6
[004E1B0A] SynEdit.TCustomSynEdit.CopyToClipboard (Line 1329, "SynEdit.pas" + 12) + $6
[004EE26D] SynEdit.TCustomSynEdit.ExecuteCommand (Line 7636, "SynEdit.pas" + 677) + $3
[004EC194] SynEdit.TCustomSynEdit.CommandProcessor (Line 6887, "SynEdit.pas" + 10) + $D
[00685446] uMain.TfPSPad.aCopyExecute (Line 5021, "uMain.pas" + 14) + $11
[00404862] System.@IsClass + $E
[0069359C] uMain.TfPSPad.ActionListExecute (Line 10385, "uMain.pas" + 8) + $7
[004836DC] ActnList.TCustomActionList.ExecuteAction + $14
[00483324] ActnList.TContainedAction.Execute + $14
[00483FE3] ActnList.TCustomAction.Execute + $4F
[0042A603] Classes.TBasicActionLink.Execute + $13
[00496EE3] Menus.TMenuItem.Click + $8F
[004982B6] Menus.DoClick + $EE
[004983CE] Menus.TMenu.IsShortCut + $B2
[004A548C] Controls.TWinControl.IsMenuKey + $40
[004A54FD] Controls.TWinControl.CNKeyDown + $1D
[004A0814] Controls.TControl.WndProc + $188
[004F4892] SynEdit.GetMsgProc (Line 11096, "SynEdit.pas" + 27) + $C
[004A3873] Controls.TWinControl.WndProc + $157
[004EB13A] SynEdit.TCustomSynEdit.WndProc (Line 6168, "SynEdit.pas" + 22) + $4
[004A34F0] Controls.TWinControl.MainWndProc + $2C
[0042B3E4] Classes.StdWndProc + $14
[0048FC6B] Forms.TApplication.IsKeyMsg + $77
[0048FDB2] Forms.TApplication.ProcessMessage + $66
[0048FE06] Forms.TApplication.HandleMessage + $A
[00490036] Forms.TApplication.Run + $96
[006B72E3] PSPad.PSPad (Line 55, "I:\Delphi7\Projekty\PSPad\PSPad.dpr" + 31) + $7
Program : C:\Program Files\PSPad editor\PSPad.exe 4.5.3 (2255)
System : Windows XP Professional, Version: 5.1, Build: A28, "Service Pack 2"
Processor: AMD, AMD Athlon(tm) XP 2500+, 1833 MHz MMX
Display : 1280x1024 pixels, 16 bpp
Active Controls Hierarchy:
TPSSynEdit "Editor1"
TfChildEdit "fChildEdit"

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#33 Re: PSPad unicode 4.5.3 (2255) English

Posted by: Tim Milo | Date: 2007-02-12 14:21 | IP: IP Logged


I reported this exception already. It is basically in all 4.5.x builds I know.

got a nice exception for you here.

Exception description:
I don't know exactly how it happened, but i was marking some text in a rather big
textfile (about 20 lines have been marked). Then I pressed Ctrl+C to copy the highlighted
text to the clipboard and this error showed up.

Cannot open clipboard.

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#34 Re: PSPad unicode 4.5.3 (2255) English

Posted by: MrSpock | Date: 2007-02-12 16:16 | IP: IP Logged

Tim Milo:
I reported this exception already. It is basically in all 4.5.x builds I know.

Not sure if this really is PSPad's error. I occasionally have this error in many programs on some XP Pro systems. Maybe it's some bug in XP?

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#35 Re: PSPad unicode 4.5.3 (2255) English

Posted by: Tgus | Date: 2007-02-12 19:00 | IP: IP Logged

Tim Milo:
I reported this exception already. It is basically in all 4.5.x builds I know.

Not sure if this really is PSPad's error. I occasionally have this error in many programs on some XP Pro systems. Maybe it's some bug in XP?

I get the same type of errors in XP when I'm running low on resources.

I agree, I don't think it's a PSPad issue!


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#36 Re: PSPad unicode 4.5.3 (2255) English

Posted by: Tim Milo | Date: 2007-02-12 19:06 | IP: IP Logged

I reported this exception already. It is basically in all 4.5.x builds I know.

Not sure if this really is PSPad's error. I occasionally have this error in many programs on some XP Pro systems. Maybe it's some bug in XP?

I believe you, because the program can catch the exception .. so .. if ... the program recognizes if the clipboard is thrashed. It could repeat the copy/paste again.
Which progs you mean? Are they based on SynEdit?

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#37 Re: PSPad unicode 4.5.3 (2255) English

Posted by: MrSpock | Date: 2007-02-12 20:18 | IP: IP Logged

Tim Milo:
Which progs you mean? Are they based on SynEdit?

No: metapad, which I still haven't abandoned in favor of PSPad, because it is extremely fast and small; Notepad2 (though I am not sure here); and in a way MS Word 2000. In other words, the programs I do most of my work with. Word does not catch that exception, it just crashes every now and then when I copy or cut something to the clipboard.sad smiley

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#38 Re: PSPad unicode 4.5.3 (2255) English

Posted by: Arne | Date: 2007-02-13 10:54 | IP: IP Logged


Since using PSPad 4.5.2, I have a problem when opening files from another IDE (here I can specify my editor). The file pspad.exe always gets openend in Hex mode on top of the C-file I wanted to open. This only happens when PSPad is already open. This problem was never there in version 4.5.1. Any idea how I can get rid of this problem?

Regarding syntax highlighting especially for C: when having a function declared as follows:

typedef enum {
} my_error;

my_error My_function()

The function will never be displayed in the code explorer.

Otherwise, thanks for a great editor.

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#39 Re: PSPad unicode 4.5.3 (2255) English

Posted by: pspad | Date: 2007-02-13 12:10 | IP: IP Logged

Since using PSPad 4.5.2, I have a problem when opening files from another IDE (here I can specify my editor). The file pspad.exe always gets openend in Hex mode on top of the C-file I wanted to open.

Can you confirm it with the latest 4.5.3 build?
Can you tell me command line what runs PSPad from your IDE?

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#40 Re: PSPad unicode 4.5.3 (2255) English

Posted by: mkukik | Date: 2007-02-13 14:13 | IP: IP Logged

I still have problem with "Smart File Switching" (Ctrl+Tab no sort) feature.
In older (2223 ???) builds it was working fine.

As Alt+Tab is working in Windows or Ctrl+Tab is working in Maxthon.

The problem is when I press Ctrl+Tab I expect to switch to previously selected FileTab and if I press Ctrl+Tab again it should switch back.
So when I release Ctrl between switching I should be switched only between two tabs.

When I hold Ctrl and pressing Tab it should switch backwards history.

Another thing is when Settings (or other modal windows) dialog is opened Alt+Tab in Windows does not switch after one Tab press to next application, instead I have to press Tab twice.

Any ideas?

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