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Posted by: dhergert | Date: 2006-06-13 19:46 | IP: IP Logged
A feature I think would be very beneficial is vertical selection of text.
This feature exists in editors such as Microsoft Word and TextPad. Essentially, you hold Alt before you left-click and drag to select text. Instead of selecting text entire line by entire line, the selection box respects the starting x-position of your cursor. This is extremely helpful for when, say, you want to strip the beginning (or end) N characters of text off of every line of a particular section. Or if you want to remove a block of text somewhere in the middle of a document.
Thanks, great product.
Posted by: pspad | Date: 2006-06-13 19:57 | IP: IP Logged
This function exists in the PSPad from the begin
Posted by: MrSpock | Date: 2006-06-13 20:16 | IP: IP Logged
I confirm the behavior described by Niall Sommerville above: When I open several files at the same time with the explorer extension, and at least two of them have spaces in path and/or file name, the string is split up incorrectly, at the positions of the space chars:
This only happens with build 2223, so far. 2221 has no such problems.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2006-06-13 20:18 by MrSpock.
Posted by: Nelson | Date: 2006-06-13 20:36 | IP: IP Logged
dhergert:A feature I think would be very beneficial is vertical selection of text.This feature exists in editors such as Microsoft Word and TextPad. Essentially, you hold Alt before you left-click and drag to select text.
PSPad had this feature already.
Same way (Alt + left-click) to toggle it.
Also, you can toggle it from "Edit menu -> Select type"
Posted by: niallss | Date: 2006-06-14 07:02 | IP: IP Logged
Sorry Jan, but I've still got this problem. I've removed all "shell" open commands from the registry, leaving just the context menu handler (and set it to "cascaded menu", so I know that I'm using that option), and I still get this problem with build 2223.
Like I've said, it works fine if PSPad isn't running at all, but if I open multiple additional files into an open instance, then I get the "multiple tabs for folders with spaces" problem. (Opening a single file works properly).
Is there anything else I can try to resolve this? I've already un-registered and re-registered the context menu handler DLL.
Thanks again for your advice and assitance.
Posted by: Mark Baines | Date: 2006-06-14 10:11 | IP: IP Logged
pspad:Mark Baines:However, in some multihighlighted FrontPage html files, I can't select the last 26 lines!I found a problem. This happends only in WordWrap mode. There is a bug in the Synedit editor component. I try to correct it.
Glad you found something I thought it was only me
Many thanks, but enjoy your holiday first!
Posted by: dhergert | Date: 2006-06-14 13:55 | IP: IP Logged
pspad:This function exists in the PSPad from the begin
Ahh, I see it now. My sincerest apologies. I found the option in the Program Settings for "ALT sets Column Mode". Works like a charm when its checked! ;0)
That was my last hang up with PSPad ... its now my favorite editor!
Posted by: Bart | Date: 2006-06-14 13:56 | IP: IP Logged
Thanx for the new built!
Highlighting opening and closing tags works with table and td but not with th and tbody. Same with: label, fieldset, legend and some more :(
Thanx a lot for this beautifull app!
Posted by: Bart | Date: 2006-06-14 13:58 | IP: IP Logged
Oh forget: HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!!
Posted by: pspad | Date: 2006-06-14 18:28 | IP: IP Logged
Bart:Thanx for the new built!Highlighting opening and closing tags works with table and td but not with th and tbody. Same with: label, fieldset, legend and some more :(
Thanx a lot for this beautifull app!
We have to select a set of most important tags.
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