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Posted by: Lolo | Date: 2006-06-16 13:59 | IP: IP Logged
Lolo:pspad:Lolo:Really strange,I have put the PSPad.exe from v4.5.2 build 2222 in my PSPad directory and I have openend my files without problem.
Now, I have restored the last PSPad.exe file and opened again my files but without problemReally strange behavior.
I am going to continue to test PSPad in order to reproduce that problem.OK. Users want to send several files as parameters to PSPad. I need to have enclosed files with doublequotes if files contains spaces. It's Microsoft command parameters standard.
If you use context handler, there is no problem to open long filename. If you use old registry based way, check, if parameter %1 in the registry is enclosed in doublequotes: "%1"You can use old version as long as you want, but I will not change this behaviour in the future.
I open long filename with spaces without problem with the PSPad context handler (right mouse / PSPad)I can't reproduce the problem anymore.
I propably had a problem in my registry.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
OK, now I have found how to reproduce the bug because there is a bug now.
Simply open a file from a folder which not contain space (like "C:\test.txt")
Now open at least two file in the same time from a folder which contains spaces
PSPad open seveval empty files with the name of the folders and filenames
In my example I have opened, in a first time, the file test.txt from "D:\" and in the second time the files main.h and main.cpp from "C:\Documents and Settings\My.Computer\Bureau"
I hope you could fix it when you will come back from your holidays.
See you soon.
Posted by: porfirio | Date: 2006-06-17 09:06 | IP: IP Logged
This have been discussed here, but i have to say what is appening to me
If PSPad is not running and i click 1 or 2 files by context menu ( yes the new one ) it open it good
If PSPad is running and i open one file, it open it good
But if i select 2 or more files it creates tones of tabs
Documents | And | Settings etc... and dont open any file
I believe you can fix this on next version
Happy vacation
Posted by: boots | Date: 2006-06-23 00:48 | IP: IP Logged
Does anyone use PSPad under Wine? It seems that recent builds don't work well anymore in the case of search and replace functionality -- at least on Ubuntu 6.06 and Wine 0.9.13 - 0.9.16 (which is all I tested so far). PSPad 2217 (perhaps earlier as well?) and later exhibit this problem.
Any ideas?
Posted by: Bart | Date: 2006-06-23 18:23 | IP: IP Logged
It seems that there are replace problems overall, sometimes replace does not work. I checked the settings and if an file type is correct setted. But without luck :( from time to time it didn't work.
BTW: There are shortcuts to select tags, from start bracket to end bracket etc. It would be cool to have a function "Select block comment" for easy selection of big code comments with multiple lines.
Posted by: Darren | Date: 2006-06-25 03:16 | IP: IP Logged
I second the below comments! If not have it remember what tab was last open when PSPad closed, maybe have an option setting that allows you to choose which tab it opens up in on startup.
Nelson:pspad:small changes in docking - PSPad remembers panels dock position for panels except Project and File explorerCan you try to let PSPad also remember which tab in Project panel was used last time?
It always focuses on Project tab as default, but I never use these Project functions.
For me, File explorer tab is much useful.
So I always have to switch it from Project tab to File explorer tab.I hope PSPad can remember which tab (Project, File explorer, Favorite, FTP, and Window list) was used last time, and next time I open the panel it can switch to the tab I used last time automatically.
Thanks, and have a nice vacation
Posted by: jgodfrey | Date: 2006-06-26 01:23 | IP: IP Logged
jgodfrey:Excellent work on 2223 - the "find" behaviour problem (not shifting the view to the first occurence) seems to be fixed. That's a big relief, so thanks again... ;^)
Hi Jan,
There seems to be one additional glitch in the 2223 find behavior. If the matched search string is off of the screen to the right (text is wider than screen width and a horizontal scrollbar is present), it is correctly found, but the display is not scrolled horizontally to visually show the match.
Posted by: pspad | Date: 2006-06-26 04:26 | IP: IP Logged
jgodfrey:Hi Jan,There seems to be one additional glitch in the 2223 find behavior. If the matched search string is off of the screen to the right (text is wider than screen width and a horizontal scrollbar is present), it is correctly found, but the display is not scrolled horizontally to visually show the match.
Corrected already on my comp. You can use workarround - Program settings / Editor-setting
Set Search result to different value then "Default"
Posted by: jgodfrey | Date: 2006-06-26 14:33 | IP: IP Logged
pspad:Corrected already on my comp. You can use workarround - Program settings / Editor-setting
Set Search result to different value then "Default"
Thanks for the info. If you already have it fixed, then I won't worry too much about it. I will say though, that changing "Search Result" settings as you mention above don't seem to make it work any better. None of the available values cause a find match to automatically be scrolled horizontally (if necessary for visibility).
Posted by: SlimShady | Date: 2006-06-27 16:14 | IP: IP Logged
Now PSPad has every feature you want, it's time to make it customizable.
There are menu's and menu entry's I'd like to add/move/delete.
And features, behaviors I'd like to disable/change.
What do you think, Jan?
Posted by: dhergert | Date: 2006-06-28 04:36 | IP: IP Logged
I am having minor issues with very large files. I cannot open a 445 MB log file (I receive an error), is there a recommended size limit on size of files opened in PSPad? I am able to open a 164 MB file, although it takes about 20 sec to open. (I have 2Gig of memory and a 5Gig swap space)
One of your competitors (I will not mention the name, but it begins with a Text and ends with a Pad ), is able to open files of sizes bound only my system memory. The search speed in it is also extremely fast; any possibility of it speeding up in PSPad?
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