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Posted by: n4cer | Date: 2006-06-28 06:28 | IP: IP Logged
Would like to be able to sort on FTP explorer by extension.
Posted by: Lolo | Date: 2006-06-28 08:00 | IP: IP Logged
Hello Jan,
Is it normal that when you search for a piece of text which is not in the current view PSPad does not scroll horizontally automatically
Have a look to the following screenshot
Otherwise, I hope you will be able to correct the following problem because it is really annoying
Posted by: pspad | Date: 2006-06-28 09:09 | IP: IP Logged
Lolo:Is it normal that when you search for a piece of text which is not in the current view PSPad does not scroll horizontally automatically
No, it's a bug. Set Program settings / Editor-settings / Search result = Center
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2006-06-28 09:10 by pspad.
Posted by: Lolo | Date: 2006-06-28 10:32 | IP: IP Logged
pspad:Lolo:Is it normal that when you search for a piece of text which is not in the current view PSPad does not scroll horizontally automaticallyNo, it's a bug. Set Program settings / Editor-settings / Search result = Center
My Editor-settings / Search result is already in center and it does not change anything.
Posted by: dhergert | Date: 2006-06-28 13:04 | IP: IP Logged
When I right-click on the PSPad program in the task bar, there is no option to resize or move the window like with most other programs. I work with dual monitors, but sometimes I am forced to use only one and if PSPad opens off screen, I have no way of bringing it back.
(Yes, I know there is a setting to make it always appear on the primary monitor and to save the window position, and i am using it, but I think these options in the task bar menu would be helpful)
Posted by: pspad | Date: 2006-06-28 16:41 | IP: IP Logged
I try to add items into system menu, but it causes problem on some computers.
Posted by: PetrH | Date: 2006-06-29 09:56 | IP: IP Logged
Musel jsem prepnout nastaveni Windows XP SP2 US tak, aby mi spravne zobrazoval znaky nekterych ruskych programu:
Control Panel / Regional and Language Options : Advanced :
Select a language to match the language version of the non-Unicode programs you want to use:
V nekterych castech PSPadu mi to po teto zmene zacalo zobrazovat znaky s ceskou diakritikou take jako bukvy, viz obrazek nize. Je mozne s tim neco udelat, aby to zobrazovalo spravne cesky?
Posted by: PetrH | Date: 2006-06-29 09:57 | IP: IP Logged
Jejda, a omlouvam se za poslani do nespravneho (anglickeho) vlakna.
Posted by: jugg | Date: 2006-06-29 20:11 | IP: IP Logged
Lolo:pspad:Lolo:Is it normal that when you search for a piece of text which is not in the current view PSPad does not scroll horizontally automaticallyNo, it's a bug. Set Program settings / Editor-settings / Search result = Center
My Editor-settings / Search result is already in center and it does not change anything.
Thanks, setting to Center fixed the non-scolling behavior for me. Hopefully, this will be resolved in the next release, as "center" behavior is not good for me.
The good news is, that this build fixes the crazy long search time that was happening with the last full release. Thanks!
Posted by: jugg | Date: 2006-06-29 20:15 | IP: IP Logged
Lolo:pspad:Lolo:Is it normal that when you search for a piece of text which is not in the current view PSPad does not scroll horizontally automaticallyNo, it's a bug. Set Program settings / Editor-settings / Search result = Center
My Editor-settings / Search result is already in center and it does not change anything.
Lolo, the solution pspad suggested was only for vertical scrolling. I just verified after looking at your original post, that regardless of the "search result" setting, it does not scroll horizontally. If I recall, this has been the case for quite a while.
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