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Line replaced by gibberish characters / Nesmyslné znaky nahrazují řádek

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#21 Re: Line replaced by gibberish characters / Nesmyslné znaky nahrazují řádek

Posted by: Wirek | Date: 2016-04-29 10:35 | IP: IP Logged

I don't know if (all of) you performed a disk check for logical (or even physical) inconsistencies to eliminate this potential source of the problem.

On MS Windows platforms try:
chkdsk c: /f
...or even...
chkdsk c: /f /r
...on every disk partition (all computers in a collaboration group if any) where PSPad editor is installed or where files edited in PSPad are located. Please, make sure that the drive(s) is actually checked for logical (or physical) errors because it is sometimes automatically skipped during booting up like when pressing any key to skip the scheduled operation. In such rare cases try:
fsutil dirty set c:
chkntfs /C c:

...from a DOS console run as an administrator for every disk partition like I wrote above.

I can see you've been suffering from this very annoying random issue for at least several months now. I don't experience it right now but I remember it has also happened to me many, many years ago. I don't remember any more what was the reason and what was the solution, unfortunately. I don't remember what was the editor (was it PSPad or any other editor back then?) either because I have exchanged my tools many times over past several years. I just would like to help you by simple guessing. I expect that running "MemTest86" from a bootable USB or CD drive wouldn't hurt you either.

Anyway... let us know if this or anything else out there helps any one of you. Good luck! winking smiley

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#22 Re: Line replaced by gibberish characters / Nesmyslné znaky nahrazují řádek

Posted by: khagaroth | Date: 2016-05-01 15:58 | IP: IP Logged

Original line

09 20 20 45 6E 64 49 46

had become

FF 00 20 45 3F 3F 49 46

Original line

09 45 6E 64 49 66

had become

FF 00 6E 64 3F 3F

Original line

09 45 6E 64 56 61 72

had become

FF 00 6E 64 3F 3F 72

09 is the tabulator character. Considering that tabulators are pretty much completely broken in PSPad I'm not really surprised by another type of brokenness related to them.

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#23 Re: Line replaced by gibberish characters / Nesmyslné znaky nahrazují řádek

Posted by: ChipsNSalsa | Date: 2016-05-10 17:09 | IP: IP Logged

I think it's more than a coincidence that out of the thousands and thousands of lines of code in my script files that could have been corrupted, the only lines corrupted had a tab and the word "End" in them.

Original line


had become

ÿ{null char}{space}E??IF

Original line


had become

ÿ{null char}nd??

Original line


had become

ÿ{null char}nd??r

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#24 Re: Line replaced by gibberish characters / Nesmyslné znaky nahrazují řádek

Posted by: ChipsNSalsa | Date: 2016-05-10 17:27 | IP: IP Logged

I just spotted an


(45 6E 64 50 72 6F 63 0D 0A)

that has been replaced with

ÿ{null char}dPᾰɊc

(C3 BF 00 64 50 E1 BE B0 C9 8A 63 0D 0A)

Note no tab involved, but the the word "End" is again.

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#25 Re: Line replaced by gibberish characters / Nesmyslné znaky nahrazují řádek

Posted by: Wirek | Date: 2016-05-16 11:41 | IP: IP Logged

I've noticed that some of you are referring to slightly older versions of PSPad editor. Well I'm using 4.6.1 (2714) which is not the newest either but I don't experience this random issue. I would suggest you to update to the most recent version 4.6.1 (2716) since for example "Real Tabs" functionality ("Settings"\"Program Settings..."\"Editor (part 2)") was damaged indeed in the official version 4.6.0 (2700) and was fixed for "HTML multihighlighter" later in the beta version 4.6.1 (2707).

Maybe a backup of your current PSPad installation (together with corresponding INI files in your system profile folder) and a clean install of 4.6.0 (2700) together with 4.6.1 (2716) beta update package (along with potential plug-ins in their newest versions) is a good idea. There might be something wrong in the configuration of the editor.

I know it is not a solution to the problem but it's worth a try since it may help you in resolving this very annoying random issue. I'm just guessing... Maybe there was something damaged accidentally that was already fixed by an accident too. winking smiley Good luck to you all!

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#26 Re: Line replaced by gibberish characters / Nesmyslné znaky nahrazují řádek

Posted by: Gorlash | Date: 2016-07-12 14:56 | IP: IP Logged

As a follow-up on this issue, I recently installed build 2730 on my work machine; I did a clean install in a new directory, and didn't copy anything over from older installation. This issue still occurred yesterday.

I'm on windows 7 64-bit.
I typically have anywhere from 3 to 10 files open in the editor, and usually leave the program open for days at a time. No idea if that is relevant to anything!

In every case, the symptoms are the same:

H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6 H7
is replaced by
FF 00 H3 H4 3F 3F H7

I discussed this with pspad in a separate thread, and he suggested that he may try removing the memory manager in next build... we'll see if that addresses this issue.

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#27 Re: Line replaced by gibberish characters / Nesmyslné znaky nahrazují řádek

Posted by: suzhor | Date: 2017-04-20 06:28 | IP: IP Logged

Taky patřím k těm šťastlivcům, kterým se to děje. Trvá to už asi rok.
Stává se mi to při editaci zdrojáků přes ftp na Unixových serverech s kódovou stránkou ISO LATIN 8859-2 .

K chybě většinou dojde na řádku ukončujícím blok, např.

IF podmínka THEN

se změní na

IF podmínka THEN
ÿ D IF

a následující kód už není v ISO LATIN 8859-2, ale (asi) ve WINDOWS 1250.

Bug mi způsobuje vážné problémy, proto s ním usilovně bojuju:
Po uložení klávesou Ctrl-S na cílovém serveru zkontroluju, zda neobsahuje netisknutelné znaky. Pokud ano, došlo k chybě. V pspadu mám soubor stále otevřený. Najdu a opravím chybu. Načtu celý zdroják do clipboardu, zavřu a otevřu soubor, všechno smažu a nahradím clipboardem.

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#28 Re: Line replaced by gibberish characters / Nesmyslné znaky nahrazují řádek

Posted by: pspad | Date: 2017-04-20 07:38 | IP: IP Logged

Taky patřím k těm šťastlivcům, kterým se to děje. Trvá to už asi rok.
Stává se mi to při editaci zdrojáků přes ftp na Unixových serverech s kódovou stránkou ISO LATIN 8859-2 .

K chybě většinou dojde na řádku ukončujícím blok, např.

IF podmínka THEN

se změní na

IF podmínka THEN
ÿ D IF

a následující kód už není v ISO LATIN 8859-2, ale (asi) ve WINDOWS 1250.

Bug mi způsobuje vážné problémy, proto s ním usilovně bojuju:
Po uložení klávesou Ctrl-S na cílovém serveru zkontroluju, zda neobsahuje netisknutelné znaky. Pokud ano, došlo k chybě. V pspadu mám soubor stále otevřený. Najdu a opravím chybu. Načtu celý zdroják do clipboardu, zavřu a otevřu soubor, všechno smažu a nahradím clipboardem.

Dělá to i s verzí 5?

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#29 Re: Line replaced by gibberish characters / Nesmyslné znaky nahrazují řádek

Posted by: suzhor | Date: 2017-04-21 09:12 | IP: IP Logged

Za těch pár dní, co používám verzi 5, k chybě nedošlo.

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#30 Re: Line replaced by gibberish characters / Nesmyslné znaky nahrazují řádek

Posted by: suzhor | Date: 2017-04-27 07:01 | IP: IP Logged

Po týdnu prací s PsPad verze 5 k chybě nedošlo. Myslím že problém je vyřešený.

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