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PSPad unicode 4.5.2 (2237) English

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#1 PSPad unicode 4.5.2 (2237) English

Posted by: pspad | Date: 2006-09-03 16:25 | IP: IP Logged

Download link: (1.7 MB) updated 2006/09/04 17:50 SEC

Notes on PSPad update versions:
this CAB archive contains PSPad.EXE and language files only. Replace existing files from the last full release

Changes to 4.5.2 (2234)

new user highlighter comment style - Tab Key comments up to end of the line
new [Special settings] variable - ShowHint - disable program hints
Ctrl+Drop fle into editor inserts file name(s)
added new keywords into PL/SQL and MySQL highlighters
scripting - ftpCommand function returns string, returned by FTP server
Open file from internet function remembers history
Shift+Click on the File tab closes document

PHP code explorer
save file state if syntax is off causes exception
splash screen was in Czech. Now will be always in English
TextDiff with binnary files from command lines causes exception
start PSPad from the command window

Context menu handler update
1. close Windows Explorer, Total Commander e.t.c.
2. run PSPad, go to the Program settings / System and uncheck [x]Integrate with a Right mouse click
3. close PSPad
4. open Explorer (Total Commander, ...) and replace PSPadShell.DLL with a new one
5. run PSPad and activate option in the Program settings / System

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2006-09-04 15:51 by pspad.

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#2 Re: PSPad unicode 4.5.2 (2237) English

Posted by: menet | Date: 2006-09-03 19:13 | IP: IP Logged

Thanks Jan for this new update 2237 smiling smiley

I have tried if you have right corrected my problem "start PSPad from the command window". It seems not sad smiley

I show you how i verify that it is not corrected.
1) PSPad 2237 is not yet running.
2) With TC, I start a DOS window
3) On the DOS window i do : "CD .." followed on the prompt "D:\>" by "c:\tools\pspad\PSPad.exe -R C:\catalog\file.ext" , I keep the DOS window opened.
4) It opens right PSPad with file.ext (We have on the title bar "PSPad - [C:\catalog\file.ext R/O]"
5) On PSPad, I do a file / close.
6) On DOS windows, I do "F3" to do again "c:\tools\pspad\PSPad.exe -R C:\catalog\file.ext"
7) PSPad blinks on the task bar with the "file.ext" file name but the PSPad window is empty and the title bar shows "PSPad - [-R C:\catalog\file.ext]". (There is no more the "*" at the end like before)

Can you investigate more to correct it ? tongue sticking out smiley

Thanks again for you others new implementations in PSPad winking smiley

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#3 Re: PSPad unicode 4.5.2 (2237) English

Posted by: ianh | Date: 2006-09-03 23:44 | IP: IP Logged

Have used PSPad for a long time, and love the editor.

In Code Explorer, while looking at a C++ header file (.h), the classes listed will include the base class, but not the derived class names - see picture


This is better in the C++ code file (.cpp) in that classes found correctly, but that destructors lose the tilde.


Is there a flag setting, or anything, to correct this? I've noticed it over the last two releases.


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#4 Re: PSPad unicode 4.5.2 (2237) English

Posted by: Brico Pierre | Date: 2006-09-04 10:00 | IP: IP Logged

Hi Jan,

I tried your new version of PsPad (4.5.2 build 2237). I've noticed that the code highligther didn't recognize C/C++ precompiler directives.

Thanks for your editor !

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#5 Re: PSPad unicode 4.5.2 (2237) English

Posted by: peter4rd | Date: 2006-09-04 12:02 | IP: IP Logged

Its not that it dosn't recognise directives, its just very broken.
I get directives that are a random colour. I got one line that
had a different colour for the bottom half of the characters.
The top half of the line was black & the bottom half green.
Back to 2234 for me.

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#6 Re: PSPad unicode 4.5.2 (2237) English

Posted by: mathiasm | Date: 2006-09-04 12:25 | IP: IP Logged

Its not that it dosn't recognise directives, its just very broken.
I get directives that are a random colour. I got one line that
had a different colour for the bottom half of the characters.
The top half of the line was black & the bottom half green.
Back to 2234 for me.

Please post a screenshot, this should help.

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#7 Re: PSPad unicode 4.5.2 (2237) English

Posted by: peter4rd | Date: 2006-09-04 15:59 | IP: IP Logged

This is how 2234 displays a file

This is how 2237 displays it. Note line 169.

If I scroll the page down the #defines go green.

If I scroll the page up the #defines go black.

I expect them to be blue as above.


XP-Pro SP2

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2006-10-10 03:40 by pspad.

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#8 Re: PSPad unicode 4.5.2 (2237) English

Posted by: pspad | Date: 2006-09-04 16:11 | IP: IP Logged

This is how 2234 displays a file

This is how 2237 displays it. Note line 169.
If I scroll the page down the #defines go green.
If I scroll the page up the #defines go black.
I expect them to be blue as above.


Download again 2237. I uploaded it before several minutes again.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2006-09-04 16:11 by pspad.

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#9 Re: PSPad unicode 4.5.2 (2237) English

Posted by: davidboh | Date: 2006-09-05 02:40 | IP: IP Logged


I just want to thankyou for fixing the PHP Code Explorer issue.
This editor is cool and rocks.


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#10 Re: PSPad unicode 4.5.2 (2237) English

Posted by: peter4rd | Date: 2006-09-05 08:43 | IP: IP Logged

Thanks, that's all ok.
Highlighting is beautiful again.

smiling smileysmiling smileysmiling smiley

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