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PSPad unicode 5.0.0 (267) English

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#11 Re: PSPad.INI gets lost after this update

Posted by: Andreas | Date: 2018-02-28 21:19 | IP: IP Logged

I don't know what do you mean. How do you want to "sort" it? Do you mean some "tool" what will sort INI file?

I'm no C coder so I do not know how to code this. But what I mean is. PSPad program generates the INIs in background. So why not sort them before writing to disc?

Here you can download my old and new PSPad.INI files, the sorted versions and the PHP script that sorts them.

Try to compare the sorted versions with a compare tool and then try this with the unsorted files.

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#12 Re: PSPad.INI gets lost after this update

Posted by: Andreas | Date: 2018-02-28 21:35 | IP: IP Logged

Pspad.ini.bak isn't created/overwritten if standard pspad.ini isn't OK.

I don't know what you mean. At which point decides PSPad to create a new PSPad.INI.bak? If I do a new setting and close PSPad, the setting gets saved to PSPad.INI, but it's not in PSPad.INI.bak. So how can this be a backup of my PSPad.INI?

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#13 Re: PSPad.INI gets lost after this update

Posted by: pspad | Date: 2018-03-01 06:56 | IP: IP Logged

PSPad.ini.bak is created when you save highlighter settings (Highlighter settings dialog - OK button). So there is no automatic overwrite of PSPad.ini.bak

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#14 Re: PSPad.INI gets lost after this update

Posted by: Andreas | Date: 2018-03-01 13:02 | IP: IP Logged

Ok. Mostly the first thing I do, when my settings differ from last running state, e.g. the ruler is visible and the color look strange to me is to choose my own highlighter again. And at this point my old INI is history.

PSPad.INI.bak should also be created when we do some other settings. So IMHO the BAK should be created, when the INI becomes another setting. Or at least when closing PSPad.

Very often in Highlighter Settings I notice, that my choosen theme is not selected. The field is empty. I again choose my theme, load, save, and confirm with OK. But later on I find the field empty again. Why is this?

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#15 Re: PSPad unicode 5.0.0 (267) English

Posted by: Gabriel_ACE | Date: 2018-03-05 14:15 | IP: IP Logged


I mean what DO thats buttom tongue sticking out smiley

because when I push it, nothing hapen

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2018-03-05 14:17 by Gabriel_ACE.

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#16 Re: PSPad unicode 5.0.0 (267) English

Posted by: pspad | Date: 2018-03-05 14:27 | IP: IP Logged

This button sets colors for highlighters permanently and saves setting to PSpad.ini

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#17 Re: PSPad unicode 5.0.0 (267) English

Posted by: gwinkless | Date: 2018-03-14 16:10 | IP: IP Logged

Changes to 5.0.0 (266)

So I tried using the "Create bookmarks" functionality in the search box but it doesn't work for me: pressing "Create bookmarks" appears to be actually running the "Count" function (it just pops up saying "XXX was found 20 times".


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#18 Re: PSPad unicode 5.0.0 (267) English

Posted by: Gabriel_ACE | Date: 2018-03-16 17:05 | IP: IP Logged

Changes to 5.0.0 (266)

So I tried using the "Create bookmarks" functionality in the search box but it doesn't work for me: pressing "Create bookmarks" appears to be actually running the "Count" function (it just pops up saying "XXX was found 20 times".



where I will find the changes??

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#19 Re: No bookmarks with search tool.

Posted by: Andreas | Date: 2018-03-16 20:23 | IP: IP Logged

I also can confirm this.

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#20 Re: PSPad.INI gets lost after this update

Posted by: Andreas | Date: 2018-03-21 22:03 | IP: IP Logged

Again after a crash I lost my PSPad.INI. This time there is no PSPad.INI.bak from where I can restore it. Luckily I found an old PSPad.INI from where I can restore most settings.

Last time I deleted PSPad.INI and renamed PSPad.INI.bak to PSPad.INI. But now after the last crash there is no PSPad.INI.bak.

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