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Re: Line replaced by gibberish characters / Nesmyslné znaky nahrazují řádek

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#41 Re: Line replaced by gibberish characters / Nesmyslné znaky nahrazují řádek

Posted by: viplex | Date: 2019-08-06 06:56 | IP: IP Logged

No, I am not using TextDiff. I have tried to reproduce it by automatically inserting newlines (and random characters) and removing them again but unfortunately not reproduceable.

This might be slightly unrelated, but I have also seen that some chars are seen as two in the editor, like the emoji grin face (U+1F601) and one can put the cursor between the two chars and type something which then produces [?][?].

What is the best thing I can provide next time I have the encoding issue, hex view?

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#42 Re: Line replaced by gibberish characters / Nesmyslné znaky nahrazují řádek

Posted by: vbr | Date: 2019-08-07 12:20 | IP: IP Logged

This might be slightly unrelated, but I have also seen that some chars are seen as two in the editor, like the emoji grin face (U+1F601) and one can put the cursor between the two chars and type something which then produces [?][?].

I believe, this is a separate problem: the mentioned character is located outside of the Basic Multilingual Plane (BMP) in the unicode standard (characters or code points until U+FFFF).
It seems, PSPad doesn't currently support a correct display of such "more advanced" characters.
(I am not sure, whether the presence of such characters might somhow trigger the buggy behaviour in other places of the file...?)

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#43 Re: Line replaced by gibberish characters / Nesmyslné znaky nahrazují řádek

Posted by: RANZI | Date: 2019-08-12 10:07 | IP: IP Logged

I use PSPad 5.0.1 (312).

I have the same problem "Line replaced by gibberish characters" after open a text file (718 Ko).

The file on disk hasn't this corrumption (confirm to open with Notepad++).

Found giebberishs are :

I have other gibberish with "ÿ" and "{".

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2019-08-12 10:09 by RANZI.

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#44 Re: Line replaced by gibberish characters / Nesmyslné znaky nahrazují řádek

Posted by: RANZI | Date: 2019-08-14 07:24 | IP: IP Logged

Another case today.
I have this problem more often : 4 times this week sad smiley


Good luck to find this.

On PC Windows 7 32 bits.

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#45 Re: Line replaced by gibberish characters / Nesmyslné znaky nahrazují řádek

Posted by: RANZI | Date: 2019-08-14 15:00 | IP: IP Logged

This problem seems to happen more often on a line with } (closing brace) and this configuration :
[X]Highlight Matching Brackets
[X]Completion of chars ( [ {

because, I had less often this problem with this configuration :
[X]Highlight Matching Brackets
[ ]Completion of chars ( [ {

Indeed, the software works a lot (laggy) when finding for the end of a missing closing brace.

So, I disable "Highlight Matching Brackets" for my next usage of PSPad.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2019-08-14 15:03 by RANZI.

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#46 Re: Line replaced by gibberish characters / Nesmyslné znaky nahrazují řádek

Posted by: JL2019 | Date: 2019-08-19 13:33 | IP: IP Logged


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#47 Re: Line replaced by gibberish characters / Nesmyslné znaky nahrazují řádek

Posted by: pspad | Date: 2019-08-20 08:44 | IP: IP Logged

This problem seems to happen more often on a line with } (closing brace) and this configuration :
[X]Highlight Matching Brackets
[X]Completion of chars ( [ {

Hello Ranzi
Thank you for your detailed description. I am glad for any info. I will check the code for bracket autocomplete

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#48 Re: Line replaced by gibberish characters / Nesmyslné znaky nahrazují řádek

Posted by: RANZI | Date: 2019-09-09 12:34 | IP: IP Logged

Hello Ranzi
Thank you for your detailed description. I am glad for any info. I will check the code for bracket autocomplete

after 15 days of usage PSPad without bracket autocomplete and without problem, this problem has reappeared 3 times in the same file sad smiley

Everytime, corruption occurs at the line of a closing bracket ?!

Good luke to find this.

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#49 Re: Line replaced by gibberish characters / Nesmyslné znaky nahrazují řádek

Posted by: RANZI | Date: 2019-09-16 11:58 | IP: IP Logged

To complete my post, I used syntax highlighting in all my anomaly cases.

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