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PSPad unicode 4.5.3 (2272) English

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#11 Re: PSPad unicode 4.5.3 (2272) English

Posted by: pspad | Date: 2007-08-30 07:00 | IP: IP Logged

I don't answer to all exception reports. It is out of my capability.
I found a problem and solved it yesterday. Wait for next build

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#12 Re: PSPad unicode 4.5.3 (2272) English

Posted by: PsychodelEKS | Date: 2007-08-30 09:02 | IP: IP Logged

Just wondering, will the case sensitive "Copy file path to clipboard" be restored? Right now all the letters copied are small =(

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#13 Re: PSPad unicode 4.5.3 (2272) English

Posted by: microalps | Date: 2007-08-31 14:52 | IP: IP Logged

Hi and thanks for your awesome editor. Two minor highlighting issues I'd like to point out:

1) The PHP heredoc syntax has not been implemented and performs very odd when it includes single or double quotes.


$text = <<<text
I'm a full time coder...

The correct syntax is that

I'm a full time coder...

should be green (variable). However, PSPad sees the single quote as a start and has no end. All subsequent lines are highlighted as part of the variable.

m a full time coder...

is all considered part of the variable, incorrectly.

2) Strings that contain the PHP end tag ?> are treated as ending the PHP syntax.

$xml = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>';

PHP code highlighting stops by the


contained within the variable.


is considered as HTML code, incorrectly.

Thanks alot and much luck in all you do ;)

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#14 Re: PSPad unicode 4.5.3 (2272) English

Posted by: menet | Date: 2007-09-02 07:52 | IP: IP Logged

I don't answer to all exception reports. It is out of my capability.
I found a problem and solved it yesterday. Wait for next build

Sorry Jan, Stefan, for my entry in the forum but like I had made my email for the 2271 version and received no ack from you, I had done the entry in the forum for 2272 version with the complete EAccessViolation logs.
Thanks to have worked for me.smiling smiley

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#15 Re: PSPad Unicode 4.5.3 (2272) English

Posted by: dxgx82 | Date: 2007-09-03 14:15 | IP: IP Logged

i found missing key shortcuts from 2 last beta builds
Ctrl+Shift+A - comments "//"
Ctrl+Alt+U - to upper case
sad smiley

can someone confirm it?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2007-09-03 14:16 by dxgx82.

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#16 Re: PSPad Unicode 4.5.3 (2272) English

Posted by: Stefan | Date: 2007-09-03 17:08 | IP: IP Logged

i found missing key shortcuts from 2 last beta builds
Ctrl+Shift+A - comments "//"
Ctrl+Alt+U - to upper case
sad smiley

can someone confirm it?

> can someone confirm it?
I am not.

What say "Settings > Program Settings.. > Key Map" ?

Or what is in your KeyMap.ini?

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#17 Re: PSPad Unicode 4.5.3 (2272) English

Posted by: dxgx82 | Date: 2007-09-04 07:48 | IP: IP Logged

i found missing key shortcuts from 2 last beta builds
Ctrl+Shift+A - comments "//"
Ctrl+Alt+U - to upper case
sad smiley

can someone confirm it?

> can someone confirm it?
I am not.

What say "Settings > Program Settings.. > Key Map" ?

Or what is in your KeyMap.ini?

FOUND PROBLEM! It was another application blocking PSPad shortcuts (WallCrawl).

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2007-09-04 08:42 by dxgx82.

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#18 Re: PSPad Unicode 4.5.3 (2272) English

Posted by: Joël | Date: 2007-09-04 13:50 | IP: IP Logged

Hi Jan,
Some suggestions for the future (if they do not already exists !) or questions :
- option to show the clip panel by default (at least during a session) rather than to have to call it each time we need it ;
- it would be nice to have also an option to record the state of our favorite panels (on/off, where...) ;
- is it possible, when ActiveLine is on and word wrap is on, that active line applies only to the "line" and not to the "paragraph" ?

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#19 Re: PSPad unicode 4.5.3 (2272) English

Posted by: jgodfrey | Date: 2007-09-05 13:50 | IP: IP Logged

Hi Jan,

Thanks for the 2272 build. I'm happy to report that my long-standing search wrap issue now seems to be fixed. Thank you!

Unfortunately, I now notice the "Ctrl + Shift + Up/Down Arrow" search mechanism no longer wraps around the end of the file as it used to. Wouldn't it be reasonable for its wrapping to work just like the F3 search wrapping? That is, shouldn't it use the same "Wrap Confirmation" settings?

Thanks again.

Jeff Godfrey

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#20 Re: PSPad unicode 4.5.3 (2272) English

Posted by: microalps | Date: 2007-09-06 15:26 | IP: IP Logged

Hi Jan,

Again, thanks for your great product. I have noticed an auto-fill issue with CSS awhile back. Some CSS properties contain dashes. When autofilling after a dash, the property is not replaced rather repeated. To clarify, say you type "text" and press ctrl-space and select text-decoration. This works fine and outputs "text-decoration: ;". But if I type "text-" ... it outputs "texttext-decoration: ;". Seemingly the function you use does not handle the dash correctly.

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