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Posted by: jd | Date: 2010-12-13 19:36 | IP: IP Logged
Here's the log. I opened an existing file (html), added a line of text, pressed F10 to view in the browser, switched to Notepad, then switched back to PSPad.
In the last line of the log, I actually saved the file, then made a change, etc.
File: c:\tmp\New1.html old age: 1032673655 new age: 1032673639
File: c:\tmp\New1.html old age: 1032673660 new age: 1032673639
File: c:\tmp\New1.html old age: 1032673667 new age: 1032673639
File: c:\tmp\New1.html old age: 1032674312 new age: 1032673639
File: c:\tmp\New1.html old age: 1032674415 new age: 1032674411
Posted by: pspad | Date: 2010-12-13 20:03 | IP: IP Logged
it's really strange. The NewAge is get from disk informations, the old age from PSPad remebered during last save.
Now i know what to search (I hope). Thank you.
Posted by: pspad | Date: 2010-12-13 21:13 | IP: IP Logged
Next test with logging
This version logs file, old time stamp, new time stamp into file %temp%\PSpad_log.txt when PSpad detects that file was changed
Make several tries and send me the log if your bug will be still there.
Posted by: jd | Date: 2010-12-13 22:05 | IP: IP Logged
This looks like an improvement! I've tried a dozen times and have not been able to reproduce the problem. Did you find the cause of the problem?
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2010-12-13 22:07 by jd.
Posted by: MadCompie | Date: 2010-12-18 11:38 | IP: IP Logged
You are really a hero! With the 2408 I can't reproduce the problem anymore and the changes detection works very smoothly!
some extracts of the logfile (the last one is an external change over FTP!) :
File: C:\Documents and Settings\HP_Eigenaar\Bureaublad\file2.txt old age: 1033004000 new age: 1033004015
File: C:\Documents and Settings\HP_Eigenaar\Bureaublad\file2.txt old age: 1033004015 new age: 1033004026
File: C:\Documents and Settings\HP_Eigenaar\Bureaublad\file2.txt old age: 1033004026 new age: 1033004067
File: C:\DOCUME~1\HP_EIG~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\PSpad\compie\public_html\ old age: 1033004106 new age: 1033004111
Posted by: sandrosilveira | Date: 2010-12-22 16:56 | IP: IP Logged
Hi Jan,
I ran several tests in 2408 and PSpad detects always correctly when file was changed.
Posted by: pspad | Date: 2010-12-22 17:15 | IP: IP Logged
Thank you for the information
Posted by: zhong_qiyao | Date: 2011-01-11 01:45 | IP: IP Logged
The version 4.5.5 beta (2408)
can detect modification of
a file, but it cannot detect deletion of
a file.
Formal version 4.5.4 is correct.
Posted by: GregDude | Date: 2011-01-12 00:21 | IP: IP Logged
There is still a problem with Version 4.5.5 beta (2408)
If you
1) make a change
2) don't save (critical step)
3) change to another window, then back
I still get the 'file contents have changed'
If those steps do not reproduce, save first before starting those steps. It is fairly easy to repro.
PSPad_log.txt contains a single line from my repro test:
File: \\SERVER\RedirectedFolders\myname\My Documents\Note.txt old age: 1043092289 new age: 1043092296
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2011-01-12 00:28 by GregDude.
Posted by: pspad | Date: 2011-02-14 21:08 | IP: IP Logged
zhong_qiyao:pspad:The version 4.5.5 beta (2408)
can detect modification of
a file, but it cannot detect deletion of
a file.Formal version 4.5.4 is correct.
There is a new special settings options (program settings / Direct edit):
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