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Posted by: kiendlm | Date: 2009-09-30 19:56 | IP: IP Logged
ferry:Highlighter C/C++a) I test it again three times. Unzipping "" on directory "C:\Program Files\Pspad editor" Highlight Matching Brackets does not work. Unzipping "" on same directory, Highlight Matching Brackets works fine as always.
I confirm this problem, as well as the non-working autoindent when the "allow cursor past EOL" option is disabled. As to the autoindent issue, I noticed the following behaviour which may be important to know for fixing this issue: When you have entered a line and press <Enter>, PSPad seems to insert the spaces necessary for the autoindent before it inserts the new line. In other words, after you have pressed <Enter>, the spaces necessary for the autoindent are at the end of the previous line instead of the beginning of the line the cursor is on.
For those both issues I reverted back to build 2357.
ferry:Thanks for PsPad.
That's just my point of view
Posted by: jeroenvb | Date: 2009-10-01 17:32 | IP: IP Logged
Indeed, thanks for PSPad. It's a great editor which I have been using for over 4 years now. In all that time, I haven't found a free editor which suits me better!
Keep up the good work!
But the auto-indent issue is quite unfortunate. Because of this, I reverted to version 2357 as well.
Posted by: Laisvunas | Date: 2009-10-03 16:10 | IP: IP Logged
Posted by: carbonize | Date: 2009-10-06 14:32 | IP: IP Logged
Just noticed that Javascript highlighting seems to be messing up.
if (b != "Netscape")
For some reason it doesn't appear to be recognising the closing ". This is also true when using '
Posted by: fetis | Date: 2009-10-08 10:56 | IP: IP Logged
carbonize:Just noticed that Javascript highlighting seems to be messing up.if (b != "Netscape")
For some reason it doesn't appear to be recognising the closing ". This is also true when using '
+1. This happens for me too both in JavaScript and HTML multihighlighter.
I use PSPad for HTML, JS editing.
Posted by: papi | Date: 2009-10-08 11:38 | IP: IP Logged
Thank you for PSPad! Like others said it is a really great editor!
This is exactly the question what I wanted to write today! I thought that this feature was already prepared long time ago and just needed to finalize the changes.
Can we hope this in next builds?
Thank you!
Posted by: dhry | Date: 2009-10-08 20:21 | IP: IP Logged
Installed Envy Code R font ( Tried to set it as default font in PSPad and the entire program crashed out with a "list index out of bounds" error. That was the first time. Subsequent times all it does is create what appears to be a blinking cursor the height of the entire screen, with the rest of the PSPad window being completely broken. Switch back to eg. Lucida Sans Typewriter and all's fine again.
Posted by: pspad | Date: 2009-10-10 09:04 | IP: IP Logged
I download and installed this font into windows XP.
I set it in PSPad and no problem occured.
What PSpad version do you use?
Posted by: pspad | Date: 2009-10-12 13:02 | IP: IP Logged
wascallywabbit:I have been using 4.5.4 for a while now because every time I try to use 4.5.5 it doesn't remember the window position. I am using the settings I used on 4.5.4. Now, regardless of setting save window position, it always loads on monitor1 instead of monitor2 which is where I want it. Am I missing something different between the two versions?Thanks
I try to make modification
Posted by: crassy | Date: 2009-10-19 14:20 | IP: IP Logged
pspad:ferry:a) Highlight Matching Brackets does not work in this build. I reverted back to 2357.b) Is it possible to refresh Code Explorer from a keyboard (not only from an icon, with the mouse)? (or, better, anytime Code Explorer is accesed. Maybe, as an option in setup).
Highlight matching brackets for what language? I check it, but I can miss some highlighter.
Doesn't work for JavaScript. Works for i.e. Java.
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