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Posted by: Lolo | Date: 2006-08-30 15:36 | IP: IP Logged
Hello Jan,
There is a strange problem with line wrapping functionality.
Here is the way to reproduce the problem:
- Activate "show/hide spaces..." functionality
- Open PSPad and create a blank document
- press ten times the space bar
- copy and past these ten spaces about 30 times to create a long line (you should be to the colum 300)
- Now press Ctrl+W to active line wrapping
you can see only two lines on the screen (you should have normaly four lines) => First problem
- Press again Ctrl+W to deactivate line wrapping
- Now press the key Backspace to delete the previous character
PSPad delete two chars instead of one (* see below for more informations) => Second problem
(*) After several test, if you deactivate the option "auto ident mode", only one character is deleted instead of two.
For information, this problem does not occur if you replace spaces by any alphanumeric character.
Could you confirm that?
Thanks and have a nice day.
Posted by: Mark Baines | Date: 2006-08-30 15:36 | IP: IP Logged
pspad:Mark Baines:Me?
There's nothing really much more to say. I changed the colours of the background and font in the left gutter using the Program Settings...Colors. When I later looked at the Highlighters Settings they had gone back to default colours.
Damn, I can't repeat it now but it happened 3 times and in the end had to use a backup if the ini file.
If you can't repeat it then forget it, just an odd glitch. Sorry.I am not able to simulate it. Can you write me step by step ?
Not really, because I can't repeat it now. Something happened when I first used 2234 that changed all of the colours and font settings for Highlighter back to default. At the time I was messing about with a new font and changing the left gutter colours so I assumed it was that. It happened 3 times and I had to copy over a backup of the pspad.ini file to correct it.
It's not happening now so forget it. If it does it again I'll post another bug report with more detail.
all the best
Posted by: Mark Baines | Date: 2006-08-30 15:54 | IP: IP Logged
Please, please, please can you try to get to grips with the bugs in line wrapping mode.
I've posted several times the problems of selecting the last lines of text in files (with click in left gutter) where line wrap is switched on and where lines wrap.
In some files where lines are not wrapping, like css code, then it's not such a problem, but some text files with lots of long lines (HTML, ordinary text), I can't select any of the lines at the bottom of the file, in some cases as many as 30 or more lines. The number increases with the size of the file.
Someone has just posted another line wrapping bug above.
I believe the bug where the cursor gets lost and disappears in very large files after using find/replace a lot, is also related to line wrapping mode.
I know creating new features is more fun and bug hunting is a big pain in the butt - I've been there - but recently when doing extensive work on a large file I had to resort to another editor because PSPad just wasn't up to it. This is a great shame.
I've reported in the past probably 5 bugs none of which have been cured yet. With all due respect, please can we have some of these bugs sorted out before more new features are introduced.
all the best and thanks for listening.
Posted by: Hasmat | Date: 2006-08-30 18:47 | IP: IP Logged
I've found that the VHDL code Explorer synchronize button not displaying correct function in status bar.
The Explorer will not display VHDL packages.
I can provide you with reference files for development and a English windows help file for the language. Please let me know where to send them, I'd rather not post them in the forum.
I can also provide a more complete reference to key/reserved words and operators.
I've also created better highlighter settings if you'd like me to send to you too
Posted by: pspad | Date: 2006-08-31 18:51 | IP: IP Logged
I don't know VHDL language.
I need code samples from you with a description what should be and what is incorrect
Posted by: pspad | Date: 2006-08-31 18:53 | IP: IP Logged
Lolo:Hello Jan,There is a strange problem with line wrapping functionality.
Do you have []Trim trailing spaces option activated in the program settings ?
Posted by: Lolo | Date: 2006-08-31 18:57 | IP: IP Logged
pspad:Lolo:Hello Jan,There is a strange problem with line wrapping functionality.
Do you have []Trim trailing spaces option activated in the program settings ?
If you need it I already sent you my PSPad.ini file three days ago.
Posted by: devrjason | Date: 2006-09-02 06:04 | IP: IP Logged
Quote:readOnly(status: Boolean): Boolean - set or return current editor R/O status
YES!! So nice! Thank you so much!
Posted by: snija | Date: 2006-09-03 07:56 | IP: IP Logged
Hightlight settings -> External Applications
Log Files can not begins with %, if you do that the % and the separator (hex code:A7) will be changed into antoher chararcter and cause malfunction.
It`s ok when it begins with a-zA-Z.
Thank you.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2006-09-03 07:57 by snija.
Posted by: pspad | Date: 2006-09-03 15:03 | IP: IP Logged
menet:OK but in fact my problem was : from an external application, I do the following call
c:\tools\pspad\PSPad.exe -R C:\catalog\file.extIt work well the first time giving in the title bar "PSPad - [C:\catalog\file.ext R/O]"
But if i close the file in PSPad and do the same call from the external application (c:\tools\pspad\PSPad.exe -R C:\catalog\file.ext), it results on an empty window in PSPad with the title menu "PSPad - [-R C:\catalog\file.ext *]"
Using the 4.5.1 version, it runs right , with the following tests versions, i have this problem.
Can you reproduce it and correct it ?
Best Regards
OK, I made some modifications.
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