You are here: PSPad forum > Bug report / Hlášení chyb > Re: A few annoying things
Posted by: pspad | Date: 2015-05-20 05:52 | IP: IP Logged
Hello Chris
Can you please go to menu settings / User variables
Switch to tab System and tell content of the %PSPath% variable
This is a path where PSPad.exe is and where it look for the Tidy.exe
Posted by: chrisg | Date: 2015-05-27 15:15 | IP: IP Logged
pspad:i really don't know how to help you, cause i am not able to simulate it. you are the only one who reported it.
Actually, I am not the original poster of this problem. It was originally posted by "f-1" (see first post in this topic), so I'm not the only one having this problem.
pspad:Are you sure you don't set any compatibility mode or something else for PSPad?
No, I don't. All compatibility mode settings are disabled. I just installed v4.5.9 on another Windows 7 system and it has the same problem. I installed using the normal PSPad installer. The older version (v4.5.4) works on that same system.
pspad:Hello ChrisCan you please go to menu settings / User variables
Switch to tab System and tell content of the %PSPath% variable
This is a path where PSPad.exe is and where it look for the Tidy.exe
PSPath=C:\Program Files (x86)\PSPad editor\
(note: this is exactly the same as it is on my v4.5.4 install, which works)
Posted by: pspad | Date: 2015-05-31 13:28 | IP: IP Logged
I made some changes, what can help with this problem. Please check it in the next build. It's hard for me to test is when I am not able to simulate it.
Posted by: Wirek | Date: 2015-06-27 11:55 | IP: IP Logged
chrisg:I believe I have found the problem. PSPad is looking for the "TiDy.exe" program in the Current Working Directory and not in the "C:\Program Files (x86)\PSPad editor" directory where PSPad is installed.I tried the Shortcut that the PSPad installer creates in Start > All Programs > PSPad editor and that one works ("Check HTML Code" is NOT grayed) because it sets the "Start in" directory to "C:\Program Files (x86)\PSPad editor".
I agree with all previous (to my own) posts of chrisg - he's not alone. I've experienced the same problem with "HTML\Check HTML code" option in PSPad 4.5.9 (2600) on my Windows XP and his workaround has also worked for me.
More info is in the picture:
I hope it will help you simulate/reproduce the issue, pspad.
Posted by: pspad | Date: 2015-06-27 13:48 | IP: IP Logged
Problem with TiDy and check HTML code should be fixed in last two builds.
Read please recent posts before you posts the same problem.
Download the current developer build, it should fix your problem
Posted by: Wirek | Date: 2015-07-31 14:37 | IP: IP Logged
In your post dated 05/31/2015 15:28 you wrote "Please check it in the next build.".
I've downloaded the editor version 4.5.9 on date 06/25/2015 10:41 and the described problem was still there although you wrote "I made some changes, what can help with this problem." in your post mentioned above.
You did also write "It's hard for me to test is when I am not able to simulate it." and that is why I even bothered with the screen shots and additional description... to help you simulate/reproduce the issue, pspad.
Please, be more specific in the future and don't waste my time (or any other user here who is willing to help as far as he/she can)! We don't read in your mind, you know. You haven't mention a word about the developer build before my first post in this thread so spare me the pejorative tone in your last post ("Read please recent posts before you posts the same problem.") and read recent posts before replying, please.
Posted by: pspad | Date: 2015-07-31 14:57 | IP: IP Logged
In your post dated 05/31/2015 15:28 you wrote "Please check it in the next build.".
I've downloaded the editor version 4.5.9 on date 06/25/2015 10:41 and the described problem was still there although you wrote "I made some changes, what can help with this problem." in your post mentioned above.
You did also write "It's hard for me to test is when I am not able to simulate it." and that is why I even bothered with the screen shots and additional description... to help you simulate/reproduce the issue, pspad.
Please, be more specific in the future and don't waste my time (or any other user here who is willing to help as far as he/she can)! We don't read in your mind, you know. You haven't mention a word about the developer build before my first post in this thread so spare me the pejorative tone in your last post ("Read please recent posts before you posts the same problem.") and read recent posts before replying, please.
Version 4.5.9 was published 05/01/2015. Do you think it can be fixed in the past?
My mistake - I din't wrote "developer" build, but "build" only.
I am not native English speaker, for me is hard to "tune up" tone, especially, when I am tired from my work. Sometimes I had to answer tens of same question per day. It costs me lot of time
Posted by: cyberchicken | Date: 2015-08-06 13:08 | IP: IP Logged
Thank you for the good work pspad!
Posted by: Wirek | Date: 2015-08-17 07:37 | IP: IP Logged
You're not the only one who gets tired, you know. But don't get me wrong, pspad, I agree with cyberchicken that you're doing a good job and the editor is really very good already. We all just wish it would get better and better... as close to the perfection as it only can get.
Thank you and good luck!
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