You are here: PSPad forum > English discussion forum > Re: Does PSPad 5.0.6 have auto spell check?
Posted by: therium | Date: 2021-04-30 12:34 | IP: IP Logged
I have PSPad 5.0.6 on Windows 10. I'd like to have misspelled words underlined in red or somehow marked without having to go through the spellcheck process. I spell check .txt and .md files that can contain 17000 lines or more. So I'd like to catch misspelled words when I'm typing them in.
Does PSPad do that? I looked through the options and spell check options (under Settings, Spellcheck) and I don't see any auto spell check option.
Posted by: pspad | Date: 2021-04-30 13:04 | IP: IP Logged
Yes, PSPad has spellcheck
1. download and unpack dictionary from PSPad download page into .\Spell subfolder
2. in the menu Settings / Spell settings (Ctrl+F7) select dictionary
Now you ca underline word from the menu View / Spell check
or start checking from the Tools menu (F7)
Posted by: therium | Date: 2021-04-30 13:09 | IP: IP Logged
- This morning I copied my old PSPad dir to a directory called "PSPad-old\" and installed the portable version of PSPad 5.0.6. Then I copied all my .ini files and my customer .def files to the right places.
- I opened a .txt file from my Recent files menu.
- I checked View, Spell check and there were no misspelled words found or underlined in red.
- I checked that I have an English dictionary installed in PSPad on the Settings, Spell settings screen, I do.
- I checked an English dictionary is installed in PSPad\Spell\, I do.
- I restarted PSPad and opened a file via the Recent menu.
- On the View menu, Spell Check was not checked, so I checked it again.
- No misspelled words appeared in red in the .txt file.
- I typed some garbage words and hit RETURN.
- Those words were also not marked in red as misspelled.
- I then hit F7 to manually spell check the .txt file and misspelled words were found.
- I used the Recent files menu to open a .md file and some words were underlined in red, which is correct.
Did I forget to set something up? Why is it not spell checking the .txt file?
EDIT: I double-clicked another .txt file on another drive and typed some garbage. The misspelled words were not underlined in read here either.
Edited 4 time(s). Last edit at 2021-04-30 13:18 by therium.
Posted by: pspad | Date: 2021-04-30 13:19 | IP: IP Logged
Have you selected dictionary in the Spell check settings (menu settings or Ctrl+F7)?
When you activate spell check, e.g. from the View menu, you should see wait screen that dictionary is loading.
If you have any syntax highlighted, in thei case PSpad checks comment, strings and other elements what can contains "text", not a code.
Posted by: vbr | Date: 2021-04-30 17:33 | IP: IP Logged
in case, you have word/line wrapping active while checking the spelling, you may try to disable it (if possible - it depends on the edited texts).
I notuced, that with wordwrap on the spellcheck unterlines only works for rather small texts, after adding more text, the error highlighting gets incomplete and with larger texts the underlining disappears or it is displayed only for the beginning of the text.
Generally with wordwrapping, some other functions are sometimes limited, maybe this is a similar case.
Posted by: therium | Date: 2021-05-05 08:56 | IP: IP Logged
Thanks, I often use word-wrap so I will turn it off and try that.
Yes I did select the English dictionary in settings too.
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