You are here: PSPad forum > Developer forum - new builds > Re: PSPad unicode 5.0.7 (675) English

Re: PSPad unicode 5.0.7 (675) English

#1 PSPad unicode 5.0.7 (675) English

Posted by: pspad | Date: 2021-07-25 14:31 | IP: IP Logged

Download links:
PSPad 64 bit version doesn't contains scripting yet.

SHA1 hash:

This archive contains modified files only. The correct way how to get full functionality:
1. Download and install latest full version first!
2. Replace existing files with content of archive

Changes to 5.0.7 (673)

Code explorer parsing (if active) when file is open
HTML/XHTML highlighter settings - compiler, applications, ...
Other fixes reported by users

Known issues:
UNDO with real tabs after autoindent

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#2 Re: PSPad unicode 5.0.7 (675) English

Posted by: gwinkless | Date: 2021-07-26 12:58 | IP: IP Logged

Since a while ago (maybe new editor component?) using ctrl-M to jump to matching bracket has placed the matching line in the centre of the screen. I can see that some people might find this useful but for me it's irritating (especially if both brackets are on the same line), is it configurable behaviour?

If the match is on-screen already I would rather the cursor simply move to the new position without changing scroll position, otherwise I would prefer to have the match scrolled either to the last line (if it's a closing bracket) or the first (if opening).

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#3 Re: PSPad unicode 5.0.7 (675) English

Posted by: pspad | Date: 2021-07-26 13:33 | IP: IP Logged

In the program settings is option for search result placement

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#4 Re: PSPad unicode 5.0.7 (675) English

Posted by: gwinkless | Date: 2021-07-26 13:59 | IP: IP Logged

In the program settings is option for search result placement

Ahhh, fantastic, thanks smiling smiley

I had seen that but assumed it was for just search results.

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#5 Re: PSPad unicode 5.0.7 (675) English

Posted by: maxshop | Date: 2021-07-29 22:19 | IP: IP Logged


I got an exception:

1). I had two text files already open. Both were opened using Windows Explorer (by double-clicking on the file names)

2). I opened a 3rd text file using the same above method. So far so good, no issues

3). I pressed Ctrl-F to do a search on the 3rd file that was opened, and got the exception/violation below


Exception description:

Access violation at address 0082F02F in module 'PSPad.exe'. Read of address 0000013F.

Exception class: EAccessViolation
Exception address: 0082F02F
Stack list, generated 7/29/2021 18:00:27
[0082F02F] SynURIOpener.TSynURIOpener.NewKeyDown (Line 138, "SynURIOpener.pas" + 1) + $6
[0067C7A4] Vcl.Forms.DispatchShortCut + $5C
[006B3EAF] Vcl.Controls.TWinControl.WndProc + $693
[00753E0A] SynEditKbdHandler.TMethodList.GetItem (Line 377, "SynEditKbdHandler.pas" + 3) + $6
[00753969] SynEditKbdHandler.TSynEditKbdHandler.ExecuteKeyDown (Line 207, "SynEditKbdHandler.pas" + 9) + $1D
[0076DEDD] SynEdit.TCustomSynEdit.KeyDown (Line 1936, "SynEdit.pas" + 2) + $F
[00409EA2] System.@CallDynaInst + $6
[006B5BF2] Vcl.Controls.TWinControl.DoKeyDown + $92
[006B5C1E] Vcl.Controls.TWinControl.WMKeyDown + $A
[006AEF5A] Vcl.Controls.TControl.WndProc + $2BE
[006B3EAF] Vcl.Controls.TWinControl.WndProc + $693
[0040A4D8] System.TMonitor.Enter + $10
[006B3EAF] Vcl.Controls.TWinControl.WndProc + $693
[0040A6C2] System.TMonitor.Exit + $1A
[0054BE6D] Vcl.Graphics.FreeMemoryContexts + $9D
[006B33FC] Vcl.Controls.TWinControl.MainWndProc + $2C
[006B3411] Vcl.Controls.TWinControl.MainWndProc + $41
[00778D3C] SynEdit.TCustomSynEdit.WndProc (Line 6608, "SynEdit.pas" + 5) + $0
[006B33FC] Vcl.Controls.TWinControl.MainWndProc + $2C
[004EE91C] System.Classes.StdWndProc + $14
[00680DAF] Vcl.Forms.TApplication.ProcessMessage + $F3
[00680DF2] Vcl.Forms.TApplication.HandleMessage + $A
[00681129] Vcl.Forms.TApplication.Run + $C9
[00AFD2D1] PSPad.PSPad (Line 119, "" + 56) + $7
Program : C:\Program Files (x86)\PSPad editor\PSPad.exe 5.0.7 (675)
System : Windows 10 Professional x64, Version: 10.0, Build: 4A63,
Processor: Intel, Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4600U CPU @ 2.10GHz, 2690 MHz MMX
Display : 1920x1080 pixels, 32 bpp PPI: 120
Skin : Windows
Active Controls Hierarchy:
TPSSynEdit "FEditor1"
TfChildEdit "fEdit_I46153852"

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#6 Re: PSPad unicode 5.0.7 (675) English

Posted by: maxshop | Date: 2021-08-03 19:32 | IP: IP Logged

One more exception (access violation) error:

1). I had a Linux shell script (.sh) file open
2). I highlighted a line of text, and press Ctrl-C to copy when the access violation occurred

Access violation at address 0077FE0F in module 'PSPad.exe'. Read of address 0000010F.

Exception class: EAccessViolation
Exception address: 0077FE0F
Stack list, generated 8/3/2021 15:26:56
[0077FE0F] SynEdit.TCustomSynEdit.NotifyHookedCommandHandlers (Line 10039, "SynEdit.pas" + 9) + $10
[009FEACD] uChildEdit.TfChildEdit.SynEditProcessCommand (Line 1197, "uChildEdit.pas" + 25) + $1A
[009FEC45] uChildEdit.TfChildEdit.SynEditProcessCommand (Line 1238, "uChildEdit.pas" + 66) + $18
[007799EA] SynEdit.TCustomSynEdit.CommandProcessor (Line 7127, "SynEdit.pas" + 7) + $E
[00ABA4CF] uMain.TfPSPad.aCopyExecute (Line 5985, "uMain.pas" + 14) + $11
[00409DBE] System.@IsClass + $E
[00ACC210] uMain.TfPSPad.ActionListExecute (Line 12397, "uMain.pas" + 8) + $7
[00567044] System.Actions.TContainedActionList.ExecuteAction + $70
[00409EA2] System.@CallDynaInst + $6
[0056A02D] Vcl.ActnList.TCustomAction.Execute + $69
[004EDA1B] System.Classes.TBasicActionLink.Execute + $13
[0069A0CB] Vcl.Menus.TMenuItem.Click + $93
[0069BDD3] Vcl.Menus.DoClick + $EF
[0069BEBF] Vcl.Menus.TMenu.IsShortCut + $87
[006B65F4] Vcl.Controls.TWinControl.IsMenuKey + $40
[006B6669] Vcl.Controls.TWinControl.CNKeyDown + $1D
[006AEF5A] Vcl.Controls.TControl.WndProc + $2BE
[006B3EAF] Vcl.Controls.TWinControl.WndProc + $693
[00778D3C] SynEdit.TCustomSynEdit.WndProc (Line 6608, "SynEdit.pas" + 5) + $0
[006B33FC] Vcl.Controls.TWinControl.MainWndProc + $2C
[004EE91C] System.Classes.StdWndProc + $14
[00680AE0] Vcl.Forms.TApplication.IsKeyMsg + $84
[00680A4B] Vcl.Forms.TApplication.IsMDIMsg + $3F
[00680D8B] Vcl.Forms.TApplication.ProcessMessage + $CF
[00680DF2] Vcl.Forms.TApplication.HandleMessage + $A
[00681129] Vcl.Forms.TApplication.Run + $C9
[00AFD2D1] PSPad.PSPad (Line 119, "" + 56) + $7
Program : C:\Program Files (x86)\PSPad editor\PSPad.exe 5.0.7 (675)
System : Windows 10 Professional x64, Version: 10.0, Build: 4A63,
Processor: Intel, Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4600U CPU @ 2.10GHz, 2690 MHz MMX
Display : 1920x1080 pixels, 32 bpp PPI: 120
Skin : Windows
Active Controls Hierarchy:
TPSSynEdit "FEditor1"
TfChildEdit "fEdit_R53257252"

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#7 Re: PSPad unicode 5.0.7 (675) English

Posted by: rbon | Date: 2021-08-13 18:02 | IP: IP Logged

Hi Jan,
I am using PSPad Portable ver. 5.0.6 (589) - 32 bit.
I have unzipped last build 5.0.7 (675) - 32 bit, but PSPad runs old version 5.0.6.
Any idea?

maybe You can create a new full build with last binaries.

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#8 Re: PSPad unicode 5.0.7 (675) English

Posted by: pspad | Date: 2021-08-14 04:23 | IP: IP Logged

Hi Jan,
I am using PSPad Portable ver. 5.0.6 (589) - 32 bit.
I have unzipped last build 5.0.7 (675) - 32 bit, but PSPad runs old version 5.0.6.
Any idea?

maybe You can create a new full build with last binaries.


I guess you have installed both 32 and 64b version in Program files and Program files (86)

Start your 32b version at least once manually from the folder wher you unzipped it.

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