You are here: PSPad forum > Developer forum - new builds > PSPad unicode 4.5.6 (2419) English
Posted by: Lolo | Date: 2011-08-01 10:11 | IP: IP Logged
Exception description:
I have a crash message box when I try to print a document.
Could you reproduce it?
Exception class: EStringListError
Exception address: 00422E22
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2011-08-01 15:03 by pspad.
Posted by: pspad | Date: 2011-08-01 15:02 | IP: IP Logged
human:The bug in COBOL highlighter with * in col 72 is fixed, the bug with string end in col 72 is still open (I just hoped it would be solved, too):
In my opinion it isn't bug. You defined, that on column 71 is end of code. All after column 71 is ignored.
If you need to have longer code line, go to highlighter settings and extend code area.
Problem with last asterisk char was different - if asterisk was last char on the line (anywhere, not only on 72 position), it disappear.
Posted by: pspad | Date: 2011-08-01 15:03 | IP: IP Logged
Lolo:Exception description:I have a crash message box when I try to print a document.
Could you reproduce it?Exception class: EStringListError
Exception address: 00422E22
No, I can't reproduce it.
Posted by: kiendlm | Date: 2011-08-01 20:23 | IP: IP Logged
pspad:I got repeating requests from people who don't want to use 7Zip. You are right, i packed it with 7Zip into ZIP format with LZMA compression. And this format isn't supported by Windows.
Unfortunately it is also not supported by WinRAR which I am using for many years. Perhaps I should take this as a reason to give the WinRAR developpers some feedback.
pspad:I repack it into standard ZIP format and exchange build archives.
It should be all ok now.
Thank you, Jan, problem solved.
Posted by: human | Date: 2011-08-02 11:07 | IP: IP Logged
pspad:In my opinion it isn't bug. You defined, that on column 71 is end of code. All after column 71 is ignored.
If you need to have longer code line, go to highlighter settings and extend code area.
OK, I see two COBOL related bugs now:
You either can use free format (no coding areas) or fixed format (coding areas as in highlighter settings), where the fixed format is the de-facto most used standard, as old programs had to be coded that way. The fixed format has always the same area, it's no setting you can choose.
Bug 1: The original setting for COBOL highlighter should have Code-End after col 72, not 71 as it is now. Please change that for upcoming releases.
If col 72 is set (and the highlighter is disabled+enabled for using the new settings) it is not working correct.
Bug 2: Given the col 72 setting all keywords are shown until col 73 (not 72 as it should be), the background highlighting starts at col 74, not 73 as it should be.
Please fix these for upcoming versions and keep the good work!
Posted by: jacky7028 | Date: 2011-08-03 05:44 | IP: IP Logged
The newly version still not search result(multi-file search result) HIGH-LIGHT capability. javascript:tx(''); Can you add it?javascript:tx('
'); I very very expect it!
(I often supported your google Ads by your web page)
Thanks for your effort. javascript:tx('');
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2011-08-03 05:50 by jacky7028.
Posted by: Suporte | Date: 2011-08-05 11:17 | IP: IP Logged
I would like to request some changes ...
PSPad Editor is the best I've ever used.
But it lacks some features:
1 - Edition Column Notepad + + is superior
2 - Quando você seleciona uma palavra, o Notepad + + marca todas as palavras iguais com o mesmo fundo da mesma cor. What makes it easy to find some string with the wrong name. You can create different colors for the word.
3 - The PSPad is sinning because of lack of update, it seems the PSPad was abandoned.
Sorry to quote the competition, but I would say that PSPad is by far the best of all, but can be even better.
Posted by: Neil | Date: 2011-08-10 23:09 | IP: IP Logged
Hi Jan,
Not sure what version this came in or whether it is something to do with my set up.
When I do a Ctrl J to complete a word, the cursor dissappears, and I have to click on the end of the word to get it back.
Posted by: Lars | Date: 2011-08-12 13:28 | IP: IP Logged
Suporte:2 - Quando você seleciona uma palavra, o Notepad + + marca todas as palavras iguais com o mesmo fundo da mesma cor.
I did not understand Portuguese, a quick Google translation gave:
"When you select a word, Notepad + + mark all such words with the same background the same color."
This is indeed a feature that I really liked in Notepad++.
Suporte:3 - The PSPad is sinning because of lack of update, it seems the PSPad was abandoned.
I hope not! I like PSPad due to it intuitive handling of its many features!
Posted by: human | Date: 2011-08-17 13:51 | IP: IP Logged
I found a BAD BUG, a maybe-bug-maybe-feature-request and have a feature request.
BUG, Related to [CTRL]+[Z]:
- open a new file
- write at least one char
- click somewhere in the line after the last char
- insert something via clip-board (the line is filled with spaces to the position where you've clicked, then the content of the clip-board is inserted --> FINE)
- use [CTRL]+[Z]
Result: you lost one char of your original file content.
The language specific help file [ALT]+[F1] is called with replacing of %word%. MY_WORD is replaced correctly but MY-WORD is replaced as MY or as WORD (depending where the cursor is). If this is behaviour by design, it should be depending on the active language (I guess all/most languages don't have a word-break at "-").
In Highlighter-Settings -> Specification on can use %word%. This is replaced when [ALT]+[F1] is used.
I really like to use this with web sites. This works but has a problem: %word% is replaced with case sensitivity. For websites a lower-/uppercase-version would be useful. Can we get something like %lc_word% and %uc_word%, too? Please.
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