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Posted by: sholle | Date: 2007-11-29 17:58 | IP: IP Logged
In build 2282 the ftp works correctly with and Alpha machine I work on and in 2297 it does not. The directories do not show up correctly.
Posted by: Gamesh | Date: 2007-12-03 07:31 | IP: IP Logged
"Register is system context meniu"
doesn't work in windows Vista
Posted by: simbabque | Date: 2007-12-03 09:51 | IP: IP Logged
Syntax highlighting for Perl does not automatically kick in when I open a 628k .pl file with 13756 lines. I'm using build 2297. The highlighting works just fine after clicking on Perl in the Change Syntax... dialog. Smaller files work allright. Didn't test it with another file-type/predefined highlighting, though.
Posted by: vbr | Date: 2007-12-03 17:48 | IP: IP Logged
simbabque:Syntax highlighting for Perl does not automatically kick in when I open a 628k .pl file
Try setting a suitable grater value in
Program settings :: Direct edit: HlOnUpToSize=xxxx (filesize in bytes)
Posted by: simbabque | Date: 2007-12-04 08:48 | IP: IP Logged
vbr:simbabque:Syntax highlighting for Perl does not automatically kick in when I open a 628k .pl fileTry setting a suitable grater value in
Program settings :: Direct edit: HlOnUpToSize=xxxx (filesize in bytes)
That works. Thanks a bunch vbr!
Posted by: owilsky | Date: 2007-12-05 08:44 | IP: IP Logged
Hi Jan,
have you seen this post?
Can you fix it in the next beta?
We use a lot of scripts with Shift-hotkeys.
Thanks a lot!
Oliver Kötter
Posted by: tyzio | Date: 2007-12-13 08:24 | IP: IP Logged
Hi Jan,
recently I found that Code Explorer for TCL has wrong patterns forsource
language statements.
Right now you parse these statements when they are commented, which is wrong:
# source file.tcl
# load file.dll
And you should parse statements without leading hash char (comment char in TCL)
source file.tcl
load file.dll
So, the regExp patterns for these should be something like this:
Could you fix it?
One more thing:
Is it possible to make Bookmark Window as docking window (like Code Explorer Window) so I could have my bookmarks all the time visible and accessible?
Posted by: pspad | Date: 2007-12-13 16:53 | IP: IP Logged
You are right, TCL code explorer doesn't take care of comments. Corrected.
Modify bookmark window is more complicated, because it need counts with window switching e.t.c. I will add it into my ToDo
Posted by: mce | Date: 2007-12-14 20:02 | IP: IP Logged
Is there a setting to take care of highlighting correctly the comments in comments, for example if I have a comment like this
/* this is first comment
/*this is embedded comment*/
end of first comment*/
the editor highlights up to the first */ as being a comment, the rest seems like "normal" text.
Posted by: grigri | Date: 2007-12-17 11:21 | IP: IP Logged
mce:Hi,Is there a setting to take care of highlighting correctly the comments in comments, for example if I have a comment like this
/* this is first comment
/*this is embedded comment*/
end of first comment*/the editor highlights up to the first */ as being a comment, the rest seems like "normal" text.
For most languages I know that use this comment syntax (including C, C++, PHP and Javascript) that's exactly how it works - you can't have nested comments. Once the parser sees '/*' it goes into comments mode and everything is a comment up until the next '*/'.
Sorry, I see it's about perl - which I know nothing about. I apologize, sometimes I type faster than I think
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2007-12-17 11:22 by grigri.
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