You are here: PSPad forum > Developer forum - new builds > Re: PSPad partially higlighted Lua scripts
Posted by: Dang | Date: 2006-10-17 09:12 | IP: IP Logged
Hi Jan,
I keep getting into trouble with byte-indent UTF-8. Flash actionscript wants byte-indent turned on. ASP pages wants it turned off. When using PSPAD to edit both types of script files, I keep having to go to popup Program Settings -> Program -Behavior and changing this setting before saving the appropriate format. Especially when editing numerous files, I sometimes save a script in the wrong byte-indent and get into a lot of trouble. Do you think Pspad can auto-sense the byte-indent by extension or at least by the script's original format. In order words, if I load a byte-indent script and then save it, it should not save it with byte-indent off (unless I somehow force it to). This would cut down a lot of head-aches.
Posted by: menet | Date: 2006-10-17 10:27 | IP: IP Logged
Hi Jan,
I have also a keyboard shortcuts (Alt-N) for Next Window which no more works with 2239.
The effect of the Alt-N now, is to change the Tab of panel (From Project to Explorer, to Ftp, to Favoris and to a last one).
It no more change of window like it is configured.
Can you correct it ?
EDIT : Sorry, it is corrected
I have 2 PCs and on one PC, I was always with 2238 version
Sorry again and Thanks
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2006-10-17 10:41 by menet.
Posted by: zdub | Date: 2006-10-17 15:09 | IP: IP Logged
What happened with drag & drop of files? If I drag a new file into pspad, it inserts the filepath into the existing document, and doesn't open the file itself! I have to drag the file to a non-document area (like the title bar or menu) to open up the document. So I downgraded to 2238 and the same thing. I'm now back at 2237 which does not exhibit this behavior.
Posted by: jgodfrey | Date: 2006-10-17 17:56 | IP: IP Logged
Hi Jan,
Build 2239 seems to have introduced a new "search wrapping" bug. When "Ask if OK to wrap search when text not found" is checked, 2239 seems to work correctly. That is, it asks if it should wrap the search, and then upon confirmation it does so correctly.
With the confirmation option unchecked, the search just stops at the end (top or bottom) of the file. This happens with both the F3 style search, as well ase the Shift+Ctrl+Arrow search. I'd like it to just silently wrap in this case, as it used to.
I don't think this was a problem in 2238.
Posted by: riechert | Date: 2006-10-17 20:32 | IP: IP Logged
I had posted this once before on the 2231 build and am still having the same problem:
Occasionally when compiling a file (previously AutoIt scripts and now Perl scripts) the contents of the log viewer window gets corrupted. It looks like all of the characters on a line are written to the first character position on the line. Basically a black blob at the beginning of each line that has text. Opening the actual log file I see the correct output. Closing the log viewer doesn't fix it. If I close and restart PSPad the log viewer will be OK for awhile.
This has happened a number of times with this build and the previous one I used.
Posted by: Rumi | Date: 2006-10-18 14:09 | IP: IP Logged
I'm set PSPad to highlight Lua scripts using syntax file from the distribution (Lua.ini). It works (show keywords, strings, etc.) but comment lines didn't highlighted.
PSPad v4.5.2 (2239)
Posted by: pspad | Date: 2006-10-18 15:15 | IP: IP Logged
Rumi:Hola!I'm set PSPad to highlight Lua scripts using syntax file from the distribution (Lua.ini). It works (show keywords, strings, etc.) but comment lines didn't highlighted.
PSPad v4.5.2 (2239)
Remove '-' from the keyword chars field
Posted by: Rumi | Date: 2006-10-18 15:35 | IP: IP Logged
pspad:Remove '-' from the keyword chars field
Posted by: Eblis | Date: 2006-10-20 08:35 | IP: IP Logged
I'm experiencing a weird selection behaviour in 2239 (it has been happening for some time i think, i'm not sure though).
Let's say i have the following line
SetAppUser App, "|Domain", "User", TRUE, TRUE --- (| denotes the current cursor position)
I want to select the text Domain and i'm using Ctrl + Shift + Left to do this but the problem is that it's selecting everything up until the second " char and not the first one, i.e.
SetAppUser App, "Domain", "|User", TRUE, TRUE --- (| denotes the current cursor position)
Could the behaviour be changed so it selects only alphanumeric characters (breaks on first non-alphanumeric char)?
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