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Re: PSPad unicode 4.5.2 (2217) English

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#21 Re: PSPad unicode 4.5.2 (2217) English

Posted by: Stefan | Date: 2006-06-03 22:02 | IP: IP Logged

language ini question:

lWriteToDir_Caption=write to PSPad folder

Means this "needs write access to main PSPad.ini in
maybe "C:\Program files\PSPad\" instead of the ini in user profile" ?


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#22 Re: PSPad unicode 4.5.2 (2217) English

Posted by: Stefan | Date: 2006-06-03 23:03 | IP: IP Logged

language ini question:

lWriteToDir_Caption=write to PSPad folder

Means this "needs write access to main PSPad.ini in
maybe "C:\Program files\PSPad\" instead of the ini in user profile" ?

I just read the thread from build 2214... i will try
to find the answer and the understanding there grinning smiley

I call and translate the new
"unlimited count of the unnumbered bookmarks"
into "yellow JumpMarks" to diff this from the 10 red "BookMarks"

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#23 Re: PSPad unicode 4.5.2 (2217) English

Posted by: pspad | Date: 2006-06-04 05:56 | IP: IP Logged

OK. We can make a differences in terms:
bookmark - red numbered mark
mark - yellow general mark

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#24 Re: PSPad unicode 4.5.2 (2217) English

Posted by: ikc666 | Date: 2006-07-24 21:22 | IP: IP Logged

Hello, I use PSPAD 4.5.2 (2228) and I've a similar trouble: I try to search and replace a regular expression in a sql file (same troubles with vbs and txt files). The searched expression is [$$] to be replaced by[\n]. The bug is that PSPAD pulls down the lines by the number of searched expressions. ie: if I have the following lines:


I obtain the following result (assuming cursor is at the top of the file) and the msgbox says that regular expression was replaced 3 times (replace "." by an CRLF):


By the way, the bug with endless loop is no more active in this version. It not a critical bug now, but a cosmetic one for me.
Many Thanks for your excellent software.

winking smiley

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