You are here: PSPad forum > Bug report / Hlášení chyb > List index out of bounds (47)

List index out of bounds (47)

#1 List index out of bounds (47)

Posted by: nerov89383 | Date: 2022-03-19 12:45 | IP: IP Logged

First time I tried to save a session with v5.0.7 and I got this error:

Exception description:

List index out of bounds (47).

Exception class: EStringListError
Exception address: 006ACBC9
Stack list, generated 19/03/2022 12:37:13
[006ACBC4] FastIniFile.TIniItems.Insert (Line 1725, "FastIniFile.pas" + 1) + $13
[006AC445] FastIniFile.TIniItems.Error (Line 1419, "FastIniFile.pas" + 1) + $11
[006ACBC4] FastIniFile.TIniItems.Insert (Line 1725, "FastIniFile.pas" + 1) + $13
[006AC07D] FastIniFile.TIniItems.AppendIdent (Line 1260, "FastIniFile.pas" + 10) + $13
[006ACB80] FastIniFile.TIniItems.IndexOfIdent (Line 1707, "FastIniFile.pas" + 45) + $8
[006AE5F9] FastIniFile.TFastIniFile.WriteString (Line 2773, "FastIniFile.pas" + 21) + $A
[009D6212] uSessions.SessionSave (Line 43, "uSessions.pas" + 13) + $2A
[00A128EC] uMain.TfPSPad.aSessionSaveExecute (Line 13755, "uMain.pas" + 0) + $0
[00A101F0] uMain.TfPSPad.ActionListExecute (Line 12496, "uMain.pas" + 8) + $7
[00530220] System.Actions.TContainedActionList.ExecuteAction + $70
[0040A1D2] System.@CallDynaInst + $6
[00532E65] Vcl.ActnList.TCustomAction.Execute + $69
[004DA6D3] System.Classes.TBasicActionLink.Execute + $13
[00647A9F] Vcl.Menus.TMenuItem.Click + $93
[00649277] Vcl.Menus.TMenu.DispatchCommand + $13
[00627A68] Vcl.Forms.TCustomForm.WMCommand + $38
[0065CCB6] Vcl.Controls.TControl.WndProc + $2BE
[0062456B] Vcl.Forms.TCustomForm.ClientWndProc + $1DB
[0040A98E] System.TMonitor.Exit + $6
[0040A9EA] System.TMonitor.Exit + $1A
[0051B079] Vcl.Graphics.FreeMemoryContexts + $9D
[00661324] Vcl.Controls.TWinControl.MainWndProc + $2C
[00661339] Vcl.Controls.TWinControl.MainWndProc + $41
[00661DA9] Vcl.Controls.TWinControl.WndProc + $665
[0040ACD8] System.TMonitor.TryEnter + $28
[0040A800] System.TMonitor.Enter + $10
[006242E1] Vcl.Forms.TCustomForm.WndProc + $725
[0040A668] System.TMonitor.CheckOwningThread + $4
[0040A98E] System.TMonitor.Exit + $6
[0040A9EA] System.TMonitor.Exit + $1A
[0051B079] Vcl.Graphics.FreeMemoryContexts + $9D
[00661324] Vcl.Controls.TWinControl.MainWndProc + $2C
[00661339] Vcl.Controls.TWinControl.MainWndProc + $41
[004DB6B0] System.Classes.StdWndProc + $14
[00661DA9] Vcl.Controls.TWinControl.WndProc + $665
[006242CC] Vcl.Forms.TCustomForm.WndProc + $710
[0040A9EA] System.TMonitor.Exit + $1A
[0051B079] Vcl.Graphics.FreeMemoryContexts + $9D
[00661324] Vcl.Controls.TWinControl.MainWndProc + $2C
[004DB6B0] System.Classes.StdWndProc + $14
[00657856] Vcl.Controls.FindControl + $42
[0062E3B7] Vcl.Forms.TApplication.ProcessMessage + $F3
[0062E3FA] Vcl.Forms.TApplication.HandleMessage + $A
[0062E739] Vcl.Forms.TApplication.Run + $D1
[00A3FA41] PSPad.PSPad (Line 122, "" + 56) + $7
Program : C:\Program Files (x86)\PsPad\PSPad.exe 5.0.7 (727)
System : Windows 7 Professional x64, Version: 6.1, Build: 1DB1, Service Pack 1
Processor: Intel, Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2450M CPU @ 2.50GHz, 2490 MHz MMX
Display : 1600x900 pixels, 32 bpp PPI: 96
Skin : Windows
Active Controls Hierarchy:
TPSSynEdit "FEditor1"
TfChildEdit "fEdit_W50474937"

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#2 Re: List index out of bounds (47)

Posted by: nerov89383 | Date: 2022-03-19 15:47 | IP: IP Logged

Btw, I didn't had problems saving same session with 5.0.6.

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