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Re: File-Explorer very small

#1 File-Explorer very small

Posted by: bodomalo | Date: 2019-09-07 15:24 | IP: IP Logged

So, I am using the last stable PSPAd version 5.01 on windows 64 bit

For some reason today the left side-bar with the files became very small, usually I see there about 20-25 files at the same time.
Now I only see 3-4 files , which makes it really hard to work.
On the opposite the Explorer-Menu above is much bigger
(I think the whole thing is called TOOL-WINDOW and you can remove it pressing Ctrl-F2)

I know that I can make the tool-window broader and smaller using my mouse cursor.
But I can not make it higher, mouse cursor will not change in between those 2 windows (folder-menu and file-list)

Any help appreaciated, cause it is nearly impossible to work now sad smiley

P.S: I know there is a BUG and sometimes the file-menu will extend to the whole hight, covering the folder-menu, but usually thats solved by restarting PSPAD...

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#2 Re: File-Explorer very small

Posted by: pspad | Date: 2019-09-08 07:47 | IP: IP Logged


Open program settings / Direct edit button
On the left list click on Config, scroll down to
FileExplorerFileHeight and set value to -1 (default value)

You can change high of file part with moving delimiter between files
and folders

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