You are here: PSPad forum > Bug report / Hlášení chyb > Re: new update - new bug - xD PSPad unicode 5.0.1 (289)
Posted by: Gabriel_ACE | Date: 2018-12-17 14:03 | IP: IP Logged
I am using PSPad unicode 5.0.1 (289)
windows 10 64bit
when PSPAD is minimized and I try to open a file (double click from desktop)
the file open .......BUT pspad don't maximized its windows again :-S
Posted by: pspad | Date: 2019-01-10 19:40 | IP: IP Logged
I can't simulate it.
Tested PSPad minimized from normal state and from maximized state. In both cases PSPad window was restored from minimized
Posted by: ivo | Date: 2019-01-11 14:38 | IP: IP Logged
I have the same problem, but it is not systematic. Maybe it's a defect of the latest version of Win10. Try this sequence:
- open Pspad
- open another application
- press [Win] + D
- finally, open a text file on your desktop.
It seems to me that the problem occurs if you minimize all by pressing [Win] + D, not if you do it from within the application.
In cases where Pspad is not maximized, sometimes the icon on the taskbar is selected in gray, sometimes it blinks orange ...
I'm not sure it's a Pspad problem.
Posted by: vbr | Date: 2019-01-11 15:08 | IP: IP Logged
[Czech version below]
I think, I can confirm a similar problem - i my case it involves opening a text from a file manager, while PSPad is already running and minimised to the taskbar. However, the problem isn't maximising the PSPad window but failing to move it to the front (in the z-order) "over" the inactive windows (e.g. the respective file manager).
PSPad 5.0.1, build 289; win 7, "Classic" theme
- nejsem si jist, jestli jsem v anglictine problem popsal dobre.
Pokud spustim PSPad a minimalizuji ho na spodni listu a nasledne ze souboroveho manazeru (Salamander, resp. Free Commander) otevru soubor k editaci v PSPadu, soubor se otevre, ale okno PSPadu zustava vzadu za manazerem, i kdyz ziskalo fokus a ma aktivne vybarvenou horni listu. Presunuti dopredu je mozne bud mysi z listy nebo klavesovou zkratkou k prepnuti oken (Alt+Tab).
Pokud jsou vsechny zminene aplikace puvodne maximalizovane, zustava jen zobrazeny manazer (se znevyraznenou horni listou okna), PSPad je za nim (s nactenym nove otevrenym textem).
Pokud oba programy (PSPad i manazer) zmensim do castecne se prekryvajicich oken a pak PSPad minimalizuji, je vysledne chovani videt lip - po vyvolani editace z manazeru se PSPad zobrazi v okne, nacte soubor a ziska fokus (vybarvena lista), ovsem v prekryvajici se casti zustane za nyni neaktivnim oknem manazeru.
PSPad 5.0.1, build 289; win 7, "klasicke" graficke schema - ve stylu XP.
(nejsem si jist, jestli jde o aktualni novinku dotycne verze, nebo eventualne uz neco drivejsiho, cesteji aplikace jen prekryvam (oproti minimalizaci), takze bych si problemu vsiml spis nahodou.
Zdravim a dekuju za aktualizovanou verzi,
Posted by: Gabriel_ACE | Date: 2019-01-14 15:18 | IP: IP Logged
[Win] + D is the problem
what can we do?
Posted by: pspad | Date: 2019-01-14 16:05 | IP: IP Logged
Gabriel_ACE:[Win] + D is the problemwhat can we do?
Wait for the fix
Posted by: pspad | Date: 2019-02-06 17:12 | IP: IP Logged
Problem found and fixed
Posted by: Gabriel_ACE | Date: 2019-02-07 16:02 | IP: IP Logged
pspad:Problem found and fixed
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