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Re: "Open Project" suddenly doesn't work anymore!

#1 "Open Project" suddenly doesn't work anymore!

Posted by: rovf | Date: 2018-08-01 07:19 | IP: IP Logged

Until yesterday, using "Project" worked well: I do a "Projects/OpenProject", select my ppr file, and then have my last open files restored and in the left pane the directory tree for my project.

When I did this today, the left pane was empty and no files restored. Of course I could reopen them one by one using "File/Open Special Recent", but the project information seemed to be lost somehow.

I thought that the ppr file might be corrupt, so I looked at it. Indeed, somewhere in the middle, I found the following section:

-3.??1^@s^@??^Z^@New Folder^@^@???r??^D^@??^A^@^@^@^@^@???r^@^@

Note that the ^@ etc is the representation which my file pager uses fornon-printable characters. It means there are NUL bytes and other non-printable characters in the file.

I erased these block of lines (the files don't have to be in my project anyway) using a different text editor, and then started PsPad again, and now my project is fine.

Now this leaves us with the question, how the project file could get corrupted. I have kept a copy of the corrupt file, in case you need it for investigation.

Also, I wonder whether there is a way to exclude some subdirectories from the project. The project file is huge (more than 600KB) and I would like to prune some fairly large subdirectories from the project tree. Having a smaller project file would also lower the probability that it gets corrupted.

Ronald Fischer (Germany)

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 2018-08-01 07:20 by rovf.

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#2 Re: "Open Project" suddenly doesn't work anymore!

Posted by: Ravelli | Date: 2018-12-04 12:46 | IP: IP Logged

Hi everybody,

I have the same problem since years, so also in previous versions (currently I use 5.0.1(287)): It happens occasionally, that the Toolbar stays empty on loading a saved project and no file gets opened. To fix it, I just deleted the ppr-File and created a new one.

Now I have two corrupted project files. Opening them as text file, I spotted some folders are named '-st??es' instead of '-styles', or '-i1??' instead of '-i18n', or '-la??' instead of '-lang'. Otherwise the files seem to be complete.

Friendly greetings,

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#3 Re: "Open Project" suddenly doesn't work anymore!

Posted by: pspad | Date: 2018-12-05 06:51 | IP: IP Logged


Can you send me broken project file to support mail?

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