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Minor annoyances when searching for strings with NUL in hex editor

#1 Minor annoyances when searching for strings with NUL in hex editor

Posted by: jojo | Date: 2014-11-21 16:22 | IP: IP Logged

There are some minor annoyances when searching for strings (in hex notation) that contain NUL bytes in the hex editor.

Let's suppose you search for "4F006C006400" ("O NUL l NUL d NUL" in plaintext). When hitting the OK button in the search dialog, the first result of the search will be the first occurance of the letter O, no matter which bytes follow. Subsequent searches using the F3 key work correctly, i.e. they really only return the wanted string.

The second (really minor) bug is that when no more results can be found, the error message ends prematurely at the first NUL byte, i.e. it says 'Next occurrence of "O'.

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 2014-11-21 16:23 by jojo.

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