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Re: Main menu: CSS compress

#1 Main menu: CSS compress

Posted by: Macari | Date: 2014-11-16 12:08 | IP: IP Logged


I use to compress my css because pspad is not (in this time) good enough. Because:

* Comments are still present

* .myclass{position:absolute; top:0; left:0; z-index:9999; overflow:hidden; }
1. empty char between all commands (that happen not all time)
2. empty char between "; }"
3. The last ";" before "}" can removed (optional)

1.a) Its happen too with tabs(?) This example is "compressed" with pspad:
=> {top:0; bottom:13px; right:-5px; width:10px; cursor:e-resize; }

* Compressed file should be 1 single line. A compressed file is not for human reading.

I don't need simplify(optimized) color codes or padding/margin. I only want my existing code minimal/compressed. Means: remove all unnecessary spaces and tabs and line-breaks and comments. ;)

I would like this great feature for developer in a next release. ;)

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#2 Re: Main menu: CSS compress

Posted by: pspad | Date: 2014-11-16 12:27 | IP: IP Logged

I am willing to modify it as developers needs. Can you please send me some examples uncompressed CSS code and compressed results? In ideal case with all possible elements and some description what should be changed.
I am not web developer.
Send it to PSpad support mail

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#3 Re: Main menu: CSS compress

Posted by: Macari | Date: 2014-11-16 14:00 | IP: IP Logged

I have send a mail to you. smiling smiley

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