You are here: PSPad forum > Bug report / Hlášení chyb > ecDeleteWord (CTRL+DEL) vs subsequent TAB
Posted by: myf | Date: 2014-05-02 10:40 | IP: IP Logged
(english summary)ecDeleteWord
does not delete subsequent TABs, like it deletes subsequent spaces
Nejspíš to už bylo reportováno s ostatními TABovými problémy; tohle konkrétně není nic moc zásadního, ale trochu to otravuje:
volaná tuším defaultně klávesovou zkratnou CTRL+DEL příjemně požírá mezery nebo odřádkování a mezery napravo od kurzoru, tj blok sousedících mezer se tak dá pohodlně vymazat, ovšem to samé už neplatí pro sousedící tabulátory (vymaže se pouze jeden).
Ještě jsem si všiml jedné nesouvisející nanicovatosti: v GUI pro nastavování klávesových zkratek se zkratka maže backspacem (což je OK, kdo by chtěl přemapovávat backspace) ovšem k vymazání dojde i při stisklém CTRL / ALT / SHIFT. pročež se k žádné kombinaci obsahující backspace nedá přes GUI přiřadit žádná akce. (Jistě, pro takové případy je Přímá editace, ale toto by myslím šlo pořešit i přes ono GUI).
Posted by: chukko | Date: 2022-12-19 22:23 | IP: IP Logged
Looks like not many people are missing this as it is still not fixed in 5.0.6 (589).
IMO this is pretty annoying and unexpected - as ctrl-backspace does delete across tabs,
while ctrl-del does not. Should behave the same (wrt spaces/tabs) for both.
Although there is a usable workaround e.g. shift-ctrl-right del it would still be nice to fix.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2022-12-19 22:30 by chukko.
Posted by: pspad | Date: 2022-12-20 06:13 | IP: IP Logged
Download current build 5.0.7 from developer forum. I tested it and it bahives same.
Posted by: chukko | Date: 2022-12-20 09:39 | IP: IP Logged
Thanks, but it looks like it still does not delete all the tabs - just single one
(i extracted over 5.0.6 (589) install).
And i was also wrong previously - even the suggested workaround is actually not completely reliable as when you have spaces followed by e.g. </tag> then shift-ctrl-right del deletes spaces and </ too (as start of the word is only the tag name, not bracket or slash).
Posted by: chukko | Date: 2023-01-26 13:06 | IP: IP Logged
Weird - it wasnt working for me (and i dont remember which file i was trying it on).
Retesting again - it does delete all the subsequent real tabs, but it is not behaving correctly:
1) it does gobble up subsequent punctuation too - this is wrong - 5.0.6 didnt do this
abc \t\t ...def (cursor after abc) results in abcdef (should be abc...def)
2) what is even worse is it even gobbles up subsequent words!
abc \t\t def (cursor after abc) results in abc - this is an ugly regression - as ctrl-delete from blank should never eat across non-blank boundary
3) dot handling is weird too
abc.,.def$ (cursor at the start) - gobbles abc. then (on next press) comma dot, then def and never gobbles $ (should IMO gobble abc, then dot, then comma, then dot, then def, then $)
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