You are here: PSPad forum > Bug report / Hlášení chyb > Tabs instead of space does not work at and of line or beginning of a new line

Tabs instead of space does not work at and of line or beginning of a new line

#1 Tabs instead of space does not work at and of line or beginning of a new line

Posted by: rseibel | Date: 2021-03-04 08:06 | IP: IP Logged

I prefer using tabs instead of blanks and this works fine inside a line when text follows. I configured this in the editor settings.

When i edit new lines or want to expand lines at the end, after typing some tabs and then typing characters, the inserted tabs before these chars are converted to blanks.

It would be great if this editor setting works the same way behind the line end or at the beginning of a new line.

All versions affected, incl. 5.0.5


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