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Developer Version - Remap Keys

#1 Developer Version - Remap Keys

Posted by: z900 | Date: 2023-01-10 00:32 | IP: IP Logged

Hi everyone. I was using the non-dev version of PSPad but it was crashing too often for me to continue using it. Jan suggested I try the developer version, so I've been using it now for about 2 weeks with great success; at least with no crashes.

I am however having a hell of a time with the keymaps. This new version is totally different in that the key mappings all function different. I've been using the old version for about 15 years and after that long, my brain is hardwired to the old mappings. I'm not even open to rewiring my brain around the new way.

Is there a way to import the mappings from the old version to the developer version? Specifically, things like highlighting a row and hitting tab, would indent the row. In the new developer version, hitting tab erases the line. There is a long list of mapping differences, too many for me to bang out in a forum post, so that's why I'm asking if there's a way to import the old mappings.

I love that the dev version doesn't crash, but the mappings are too much for me and are getting in my way. Can someone please suggest something?


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#2 Re: Developer Version - Remap Keys

Posted by: z900 | Date: 2023-01-10 01:50 | IP: IP Logged

Not sure why I couldn't edit my original post but I can't, so I have to make a new post.

One of the big issues I just ran into is the Ctrl+Z mapping. It's supposed to undo the last operation, which it does in the old version of PSPad. In the new developer version, pressing Ctrl+Z will go back exactly 1 character, then if you press Ctrl+Z a second time, the line is removed. What is this??? Can I get it to just undo the last 100 keystrokes by pressing Ctrl+Z 100 times instead of everything being removed?

I'm not even sure this is a mapping issue here.


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#3 Re: Developer Version - Remap Keys

Posted by: pspad | Date: 2023-01-10 07:55 | IP: IP Logged


I didn't change UNDO mapping.
Run PSPad, go to program settings / Key Map and press default button. It's the same as you delete KeyMap.ini file in the %appData%\PSpad folder.

This will reset shortcut mapping to default

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#4 Re: Developer Version - Remap Keys

Posted by: MarkRH | Date: 2023-01-10 14:24 | IP: IP Logged

In the latest version if I highlight a series of rows and hit Tab it will indent them all. If I highlight just one row and hit tab it deletes it. Normally if I just need to move one row, I go to the beginning of it and hit Tab without highlighting it.

No idea if this behavior was different from before.

Mark H.

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#5 Re: Developer Version - Remap Keys

Posted by: pspad | Date: 2023-01-11 04:53 | IP: IP Logged


Tab behavior was changed for request according to other Windows applications.

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