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Re: PSPad Crashes Continually

#1 PSPad Crashes Continually

Posted by: z900 | Date: 2022-12-21 00:01 | IP: IP Logged

Hi Jan,

I've been using PSPad for at least 15 years and I love this IDE. I have tried other paid commercial IDEs and I keep coming back to PSPad. The only reason I have even considered using another IDE is because PSPad crashes continually. The issue for me is that I can't be developing and lose my work when it decides to take a dump.

PSPad ran flawlessly on XP, then I noticed the crashing started with Windows 7. Now I'm on Windows 10 and PSPad will crash at least 5-8 times in a 8 hour period. I just had it crash, and on its way out, it corrupted the file. I had a backup so not a biggie.

I always use the 64 bit, zipped version. I even tried the 32 bit version hoping that might make a difference but it's still crashing.

If it's any help, I notice that the IDE will crash within minutes of working with a plain text file. I usually work with PHP and those files crash a lot too, but not as much as the plain text files do.

Is there anything I can do or try to get PSPad stabilized so it won't crash so much?

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#2 Re: PSPad Crashes Continually

Posted by: z900 | Date: 2022-12-21 03:28 | IP: IP Logged

Hi Jan, I just had another crash. This time it wiped out the whole file and lost it all; I couldn't get back to save my work. Please see the message below.

Exception EAccessViolation in module PSPad.exe at 000E8D5E. Access violation at address 004E8D5E in module PSPad.exe. Read of address 000000FF.

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#3 Re: PSPad Crashes Continually

Posted by: pspad | Date: 2022-12-21 04:54 | IP: IP Logged


Do you use 32b version of current build 5.0.7 from developer forum?
Simple download and replace existing files. Even you have 64b version, you can replace it with 32b archive content.

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#4 Re: PSPad Crashes Continually

Posted by: z900 | Date: 2022-12-21 15:50 | IP: IP Logged

Hi Jan. I just downloaded the developer 32 bit version (pspad507b747). I'll give this a try and let you know if it crashes again. Thank you very much for all your work on PSPad! I really love this thing!


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#5 Re: PSPad Crashes Continually

Posted by: z900 | Date: 2022-12-27 16:40 | IP: IP Logged

Hi Jan,

I just wanted to let you know that the development version is MUCH more stable, thank you! I've been using it for a few days and it has not crashed one time. I'll be using the developer version from here on out. Thank you again for all your great work with PSPad!


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#6 Re: PSPad Crashes Continually

Posted by: yussef961 | Date: 2023-01-08 21:28 | IP: IP Logged

same to me wrote a thread as well.. sadly was a good one

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