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Re: Unhappily and sadly leaving PSpad for a working alternative.

#1 Unhappily and sadly leaving PSpad for a working alternative.

Posted by: Extranjero | Date: 2021-10-26 10:17 | IP: IP Logged

Working with PSpad is easy: No 'Microsoft Extras', no anoying 'Web development goodies', simple write highlightened code as u know it and usually use it. And portable, so one has his work and program on a stick/extern disc.

That's why PSpad attracts.

But ultimately in the last month problems became overwelming, they are not new but happen with more frequency:

Permanent access violations, random converting code to strange characters, functionality failing of the search result window ... and solving the problems is not in sight.

So after more then 18 years using PSpad, sadly I decided to search for an alternative.

And I found it: doing some tasks in adapting highlighters, configuring keyboard short cuts, settings, theme and configuration - within a day I had nearly an exact 'copy' of that what PSpad looked to me.

No probs, no issues - happy? No, I'd wished to proceed with PSpad, but I also need to proceed with working.

Maybe, some day, when PSpad regains functionality, I'll come back.

Thank you for this programm which was a faithful companion through nearly 2 decades.

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#2 Re: Unhappily and sadly leaving PSpad for a working alternative.

Posted by: Andreas | Date: 2021-10-27 12:03 | IP: IP Logged

I join you. Can't work with PsPad anymore. Only exceptions. Can't close a file without getting an exception. Restart opens without any files that were recently open. Load my session and exception on closing files is back again.
May I ask which alternative you have chosen? I know so many alternatives, but I don't know which one to take.

I would like to use Atom, VSC or Brackets, but the configuration seems very complicated to me and they don't have a menu bar. Then there is Notepad ++ or RJ TextEd.

Exception description:

List index out of bounds (322).

Exception class:
Exception address:
Stack list, generated 27/10/2021 13:51:46

Program : C:\Portable\PortableApps\_pspad\PSPad.exe 5.0.7 (687)
System : Windows 10 Home Edition x64, Version: 10.0, Build: 4A62,
Processor: Intel, Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6500U CPU @ 2.50GHz, 2590 MHz MMX
Display : 1920x1200 pixels, 32 bpp PPI: 96
Skin : Windows10 SlateGray
Active Controls Hierarchy:
TPageControlEx ""
TPanel ""
TfPSPad ""

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 2021-10-29 06:26 by Stefan.

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#3 Re: Unhappily and sadly leaving PSpad for a working alternative.

Posted by: pspad | Date: 2021-10-27 14:44 | IP: IP Logged

Andreas, your problem is caused by corrupted Recent.ini file.

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#4 Re: Unhappily and sadly leaving PSpad for a working alternative.

Posted by: Andreas | Date: 2021-10-27 17:57 | IP: IP Logged

Thank you Jan. This ist a line from the recent.ini category [Find/Replace find history]

It竼ͅ59=\w 聰ţ 嘠͒Ԁ 趌I ws 聰ţ 嘠͒Ԁ 趌I ows p 聰ţ姠š⚠š嚐͒ԁ Ұ  Months 1 聰ţ 嘠͒Ԁ o䒼šs " n 1 聰ţ 嘠͒Ԁ o䒼št "  聰ţ 嘠͒Ԁ oţf & Ó 聰ţ 嘠͒Ԁ   㤌ࣉ帬ū萌Ū r 聰ţ 嘠͒Ԁ   ￿

After repairing PsPad works again. Opened the file in notepad++ and it shows that it also has a BOM (UTF-8-BOM). I think files should not have this BOM.

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#5 Re: Unhappily and sadly leaving PSpad for a working alternative.

Posted by: Andreas | Date: 2021-10-27 18:03 | IP: IP Logged

ps I suspect due to this broken characters there is no content within the sent forum mail.

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#6 Re: Unhappily and sadly leaving PSpad for a working alternative.

Posted by: pspad | Date: 2021-10-27 18:09 | IP: IP Logged

BOM in config files is OK.
PSPad can work with ANSI ini or with UTF-8 with BOM

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#7 Re: Unhappily and sadly leaving PSpad for a working alternative.

Posted by: swbrains | Date: 2021-11-05 02:31 | IP: IP Logged

Unfortunately, I have had to find an alternative as well... after more than 10 years with PSPad. :(

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