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Re: Timeout at start

#1 Timeout at start

Posted by: hwprinz | Date: 2021-04-26 14:56 | IP: IP Logged

I'm using PSPad for quite some years now, and I have always been satisfied with it.
So, thank you for that nice piece of Software.

Question: although I have configured, NOT to double check for new updates on a specific PC
I need to wait for a timeout, almost 10sec., obviously checking internet connectivity, until the program opens up to edit a file…
By checking WITH having internet connectivity, the program starts immediately.

How can I make/configure the program again to start as usual and fast even without internet connection.


ENV: Win10Pro, PSPAD 567 32b

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#2 Re: Timeout at start

Posted by: pspad | Date: 2021-04-26 15:20 | IP: IP Logged

In the program setting disable statistics. In the later version the request is sent asynchronously, so it doesnt block.

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#3 Re: Timeout at start

Posted by: hwprinz | Date: 2021-04-29 17:42 | IP: IP Logged


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