You are here: PSPad forum > English discussion forum > MS VBScript files not highlighted
Posted by: joemarfice | Date: 2019-07-11 18:40 | IP: IP Logged
The highlighter function works fine for other files, like *.bat and *.bas, but the *.vbs and *.asa files are not recognized. WSH scripting is turned on. The VBS extension is only assigned to MS VBScript.
Can someone suggest what I'm missing?
Posted by: pspad | Date: 2019-07-11 19:12 | IP: IP Logged
Maybe your file is too big. There is limit for automatic highlight.
Open program settings / Direct edit
Find line HLUpToSize and change value e.g. to 500000
You can anytime activate code highlight manually by toolbar button or in the menu View / Syntax
On the statusbar should be highlighter name, if highlighter is recognized by file extension
Posted by: Slowly | Date: 2021-02-09 00:15 | IP: IP Logged
...I cannot find an INI file that deals with VBScript, yet in the program it appears fully configured...If I try to rename the [MS VBScript] section in PSPAD.INI to something else, such as [VBScript], PSPad won't recognize it, and will recreate the [MS VBScript] section again.
...Are the names of the languages in the syntax highlighting list, such as "MS VBScript", hard coded?
I've donated multiple times ;)
Posted by: pspad | Date: 2021-02-09 06:34 | IP: IP Logged
Some highlighters are hardcoded, including name. INI file section is created as name of highlighter. If you change section name, PSPad doesn't know such name and won't use it.
Changing section name in settings doesn't change name of highlighter.
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