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Write a custom Code Explorer parser?

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#11 Re: Write a custom Code Explorer parser?

Posted by: pspad | Date: 2018-12-11 09:09 | IP: IP Logged

SAS has code parser for code explorer included in PSPad.
If you have use highlighter, change file type for code explorer to ftSAS

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#12 Re: Write a custom Code Explorer parser?

Posted by: bomans007 | Date: 2018-12-11 18:13 | IP: IP Logged


Thanks for the swift reply!
pspad indeed includes a sas highligher(looked over it), I changed also the 'CodeExplorer file typ' to ftSas (as you recommend).
And now the code explorer loads indeed 3 types: libraries, Data and procedures which is really great.
But I still miss the Macro overview, would it be possible to extend this ftSas code explorer file with this?
The reason is that we include a lot of these macro's in our code(they have a meaningful name) so we can work with it as a 'function' -> This way we are able to structure our code much better.
I believe strongly this would be very convenient for other sas developers as well.

Just a question, no obligation off course.


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#13 Re: Write a custom Code Explorer parser?

Posted by: pspad | Date: 2018-12-11 19:15 | IP: IP Logged


I can extend SAS code explore, but I need some source sample and description what you want to see in code explorer window

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#14 Re: Write a custom Code Explorer parser?

Posted by: bomans007 | Date: 2018-12-12 11:00 | IP: IP Logged

The syntax to define a macro looks as follows:
%macro MacroFunctionName;
%mend MacroFunctionName;

where MacroFunctionName is the name of the macro definition(which is probably pretty obvious but just to be clear smiling smiley )

below a (more or less)full sas code snippet of a macro function.

/* Check if there was data found */
%macro check_if_edc_found;
%let timenow=%sysfunc(time(), time.);
%put ----- [&timenow] MACRO: check_if_edc_found -----;
%global nr;
data _null_;
set SAVE.EDCdata_all end=end;
if end then call symputx('nr',_N_);
%put SAVE.EDCdata_all: nr of observations=&nr;
%if "&nr"="" %then %do;
data _null_;
file _webout;
/* Set title of webpage */
put "<title>No data found</title>";
put "</body></html>";
%let abort=1;
smiling smileysmiling smileysmiling smileysmiling smiley

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#15 Re: Write a custom Code Explorer parser?

Posted by: pspad | Date: 2018-12-12 11:50 | IP: IP Logged

Will be available in the next build for ftSAS code parser type

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#16 Re: Write a custom Code Explorer parser?

Posted by: bomans007 | Date: 2018-12-12 13:20 | IP: IP Logged



Any outlook on when this will be(roughly estimated)?
This way I can temper my colleagues their enthousiasme for a while smiling smiley

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#17 Re: Write a custom Code Explorer parser?

Posted by: pspad | Date: 2018-12-12 13:35 | IP: IP Logged

I will release it this weekend I hope

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#18 Re: Write a custom Code Explorer parser?

Posted by: bomans007 | Date: 2018-12-12 15:29 | IP: IP Logged

wow, I've to say much faster than expected!
Thanks again for the GREAT support!

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#19 Re: Write a custom Code Explorer parser?

Posted by: bomans007 | Date: 2018-12-19 15:22 | IP: IP Logged

not to be willing impatient, just to know the outlook, any idea when you would find time(supposing somewhere next year?) smiling smiley

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#20 Re: Write a custom Code Explorer parser?

Posted by: pspad | Date: 2018-12-19 16:15 | IP: IP Logged

Build with your highlighter was released last weekend. Look at developer forum

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