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Persistent R/O mode after changing attribute

#1 Persistent R/O mode after changing attribute

Posted by: joemarfice | Date: 2019-10-24 21:54 | IP: IP Logged

I have read on the three possible "modes" for PSPad to handle read-only files, but none of them seem to address this problem. It's either a bug, or I'm missing a setting...

If I open a R/O (r-o) file, a marker to the left of the tab filename shows me why I can't edit.

If I then close that file, change the -R attribute on the file to allow editing, and reopen the file in PSPad, it still appears with the read-only marker (and I can't edit).

Instead, I have to manually tell PSPad that I wish to change the R/O status of the file manually, in addition to telling Windows via the Attribute bit.

This seems like pointless work. Is there a workaround?

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#2 Re: Persistent R/O mode after changing attribute

Posted by: pspad | Date: 2019-10-25 04:16 | IP: IP Logged

There are 2 things what have influence:

1. remember file state option in the program settings / Files

This option remembers different states like code page, cursor position + R/O state. Cause you can lock file without changing attribute to prevent accidental override.
Initial of this state is R/O attribute.

2. you can change option in program settings / Program 2 - R/O mode changes file attribute. In this case Lock button will change file attribute.

Anyway, you can edit file with R/O attribute if you have rights to write into folder anytime - simple press Lock toolbar button (or menu File / Read only).
PSpad will allow you edit file, when you will save it, PSPad wil lremove R/O attribute, save file and set it back.
If option in point 2 is active, PSpad will change attribute according to LOCK file state.

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