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Re: PyPy Python under PSPad?

#1 PyPy Python under PSPad?

Posted by: nulife | Date: 2013-02-11 21:57 | IP: IP Logged

Dear Petr,

I've installed PyPy Python under Windows 7 (C:\Users\asus\pypy-2.0-beta1) and see the command prompt when starting pypy.exe.

But I couldn't see how to save and execute a new py script. I've added pypy.exe to the ocmpiler path, but I assume that's wrong. Please advise, many thanks!


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#2 Re: PyPy Python under PSPad?

Posted by: vbr | Date: 2013-02-11 22:28 | IP: IP Logged

Dear Petr,

I've installed PyPy Python under Windows 7 (C:\Users\asus\pypy-2.0-beta1) and see the command prompt when starting pypy.exe.

But I couldn't see how to save and execute a new py script. I've added pypy.exe to the ocmpiler path, but I assume that's wrong. Please advise, many thanks!


I have no experiences with pypy, but in case you haven't tried it sofar, you may check the setting used for CPython.
I am using the following "compiler" settings for python 2.7 in PSPad:
Settings: Highlighters settings:: Python - Compiler:

[x] Capture Program output window

LOG Parser:
*File* "%F",*line %L*

To execute the currently active sourcefile from PSPad, just use:
File: Compile (Ctrl + F9)

If this dosn't work, you might check the PyPy documentation for the command line parameters it requires.


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